7.5" rear idler wheel install


Jan 31, 2010
ON, Canada
Hey fellas, I've oversized my idler wheels to 5.35 and 7.5 rear axle wheels. I have installed all the 5.35 wheels, but I can't seem to get the rear axle installed with the 7.5 wheels. I'm struggling with the track, and it is loosened all the way. Does anybody have any tips or suggestions installing the rear axle and rear wheels?
I hope someone else does. Did similar to my viper. Collapse rear shock, tie it short with strap, obviously loosen wheels as short as they go. Still a real pain in the A.
I've never done the 7.5 wheels but I have worked on the stock stuff enough and it is a pia. I've learned that what helps the best is to supplement your normal conversation with a lot of very special words.

Next time I may just pull the skid. Another thought may be to loosen the skid from the tunnel so it can be moved around inside the track, but I haven't tried it yet.
thats a tough install, alot easier to have the skid out and put them in,then skid back in as theres not much room to have slack in the track with the bigger wheels. I have done it in the slked and its not fun,you can do it but youll be cussing on the inside wheels.
Collapse the suspension and wire it in the down position install it then cut wire. Or put in a rod without wheels the as u pull out the shaft slip in wheels. U will have to stand on it to lower it enough.
I have the 7.5" Kimpex aluminum wheels in my 136 SRX, I have always had to remove the rear axle and wheels to get the skid out and back in, it does take extra time and some patience to assemble the axle and wheels but I think that would be your best bet.

