Thanks a lot guys for you help and your Advices. I really think that's the best site i've ever seen, for the quality of info and the avaibility of all people who take time to answer all the questions
I take also the opportunity to wishing you to all a Merry Christmas
I take also the opportunity to wishing you to all a Merry Christmas
New member
Couldn't agree with you more! The amount of knowledge that is shared on this site is second to none.You just won't find another site like it on the web. Alot of great people on here for sure. Merry Christmas to everyone and their families.
Active member
Merry Christmas!!
New member
Mery Christmas everyone. Wish for snow!!! 
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk

iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
New member
This site and zukikrawlers make my life so much easier and yes please pray for snow for us on the east coast...
New member
Merry Christmas to everyone on the best forum !!