Choke cable adjustment


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I wanted to start a new thread rather than add to one I had going so more people might see this but can those of you with "easy" starting SRXs explain how you set your choke cable free play?This should be the first thing guys check when their sled doesn't fire up after 5-6 pulls,even from dead cold,so perhaps someone could give a run down on the best way to set the cable.

I usually open the cable lever up to the start position and adjust the cable in or out so there's maximum pull of the choke plungers,then check to make sure that the plungers are closing all the way when the lever is flipped closed.May not be the prescribed method but usually works for me.
yep the way I do mine but still takes way more pulls then that after sitting for 3 weeks in the bitter cold.I will try and start mine up tomorrow..but I suspect 20 to 30 pulls for sure..
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Do some of the new people not know that the choke has a 2 position lever on it? I will admit I didn't on my first sled, made starting an 87 indy a bear on half choke after it sat a while. True to form, mikuni carbs don't have a proper "choke" it's called the enricher circuit. We're all guilty of calling it the choke. A proper choke is a butterfly at the mouth of the carb to increase the vacuum in the carb body by restricting air flow and increasing the gas drawn out of the bowl through the jets.
yep the way I do mine but still takes way more pulls then that after sitting for 3 weeks in the bitter cold.I will try and strat mine up tomorrow..but I suspect 20 to 30 pulls for sure..

sitting for 3 weeks is a big differance to overnight, but I would still shut it off with the choke, at least it will be primed alot more then no choke will, will reduce starting time for sure.

The other thing is if its sitting out in the bitter cold, take out the plugs and pull it over 10 times with no spark plugs in it, this will release the 2 stroke oil and allow you to have more rpm pulling it over, thus it will then start easier!
good ole mix gas down the spark plug hole for me 1 pull and full choke till it run down the RPMS then half choke till it idles fine then let it get to temp then ride it like you stole it LOL!
sitting for 3 weeks is a big differance to overnight, but I would still shut it off with the choke, at least it will be primed alot more then no choke will, will reduce starting time for sure.

The other thing is if its sitting out in the bitter cold, take out the plugs and pull it over 10 times with no spark plugs in it, this will release the 2 stroke oil and allow you to have more rpm pulling it over, thus it will then start easier!
roger that..
I wanted to start a new thread rather than add to one I had going so more people might see this but can those of you with "easy" starting SRXs explain how you set your choke cable free play?This should be the first thing guys check when their sled doesn't fire up after 5-6 pulls,even from dead cold,so perhaps someone could give a run down on the best way to set the cable.

I usually open the cable lever up to the start position and adjust the cable in or out so there's maximum pull of the choke plungers,then check to make sure that the plungers are closing all the way when the lever is flipped closed.May not be the prescribed method but usually works for me.

that's what I do too.
