New member
Is it ok to top up my oil tank with synthetic while I still have conventional oil in there or should I empty the tank first?
Synthetic and non synthetic will mix without any problem. Now, I would run the non fairly low, but not out, then add the new synthetic. What brand are you going to run?
New member
Plan on running Ipone....its a lot cheaper than Amsoil and has a good rep
I mix frequently with no issues. Cant always get what you want while on the trails.
We have been running Mystik for a few years now, The performance of the oil is great. The power valves on the Viper are extreamly easy to clean. The smell is fine as well. I really love the burning smell of Klotz, the downside to klotz is 1 cost and 2 unburnt oil, ie in the jug smells like cat piss. So if you have a bottle that would happen to leak, ie in your trailer, it smells like cat pee for quite awhile. Check out Mystik oils. $22 gallon. Al
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
And by the way...that is the price for their Full Syn.Check out Mystik oils. $22 gallon. Al
New member
I've never heard of it but will check it out, thanks.