Pit Stop
New member
I have had this Snoscoot for the kids for a few years now and it is does not want to stay running at an idle when cold or hot..have to choke it to keep it running...starts fine...we have changed and gapped plug, good spark, turned idle up, checked compression 140 cold, 130 hot, air intake is clean, and fresh fuel...it runs out good at higher throttle and when you let off and come to a stop it quits....anyone with more experience know what my problem might be? Any help would be great...

carb clean, and rubber plug in the pilot hole?
Pit Stop
New member
Rubber plug in pilot hole? replace or clean? I've never taken carb off or repaired...rookie at this...thanks staggs65

Probably a dirty carb then. You'll either need to pull it apart and clean out all the jets and passages with carb clean and compressed air or if you don't feel comfortable with it have somebody do it. they are a fairly simple carb on those. The rubber plug I was referring to is inside the carb. If they are missing or dried out they create some running issues. My buddy had one that we couldn't get running right. ended up being the plug was missing.