air screws


Nov 7, 2013
Madoc, Ontario, Canada
so i few weeks ago i posted a idle issue post with my 02 viper didnt want to idle without cycling half to no choke. the carbs were clean and all when i checked them the first time. pulled it apart the second time to fix the idle issue and found that im an idiot and didnt tighten down the carb to engine clamps. still kicking myself dont know how i missed that step. anyways when i pulled them off the second time after finding the loose clamps i decided to clean them anyways. i counted the turns on the air screws im pretty sure it was 2 1/4 is that normal? i know there suppost to be 1 7/8 but i put them back to what they were just because it ran fine the way it was. will this hurt anything like this or should i change them back to the 1 7/8? it takes about 4-5 pulls cold with full choke to fire. is that because ive got the idle circuit leaned out with the screws?
Those are fuel screws so you have actually richened the pilot circuit. 2 1/4 turns isn't that much further than 1 7/8, if it runs good there you should be fine, and it'll likely help with the low quality gas available today.

If this is a stock Viper, have you also raised the needles to allow a little more fuel into the engine to help prevent the Viper burndown? If not, a quick search on here will yield plenty of background info and adjustment specs.
i am pretty sure that it says on your belt guard what the air screw specs are. the sticker with your sparkplug gap on it .
1-7/8 is what I set mine at and it runs well. I read that anything over 2 doesn't allow enough spring pressure on the screw.
we have been running our Viper at 2.25 turns, The O ring seal on the needle screw will povide enough tension for proper sealing. Oh, I should say we are completely stock oem on carb settings for the needle height, and main jetting, as well as the pilot jet. Al
I've heard of running that far out quite often, if more than 2.5 then think about the next size pilot jet. Richening up would probably help with the bad gas these days, also hear a lot if people having idle hang and resolving it by turning out them screws a little. I had mine at 2.25 and didn't have any problems.
