Have a set of mega power heads with M2 inserts. Are these inserts for srx or viper. Pump or race gas. Stock or big bore. Thanks.

someone posted the inserts on here a few years back. try some searches, you might be able to find it. Of course that doesn't mean the domes haven't been recut over the years. I know I've had 3 sets recut that are floating around out there so don't just go by the stamps

turns out it was one of my old threads lol http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?82206-mega-power-heads according to the info there those are 780 domes
I remember seeing that post a while back and that's y I asked. I was told these were stock srx domes when I bought the heads . Hmmm

well it's easy enough to figure it out, just measure the bore size of the dome. 700's are 69mm and the 780 is 73mm