First ride into the woods not good!


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Seacoast NH
Hey guys,
Bear with me on this......
Got out into the woods yesterday on my Viper. Was the first "real" ride other than around the yard. Anyways, got about a mile out after some typical on/off the gas tight trail riding and my sled made a horrible (not just belt squeel, this was really loud!) screeching sound from the clutch side. I smelled belt burn and shut the sled down, popped the cowl and primary was smoking hot!. Belt was really warm and secondary was warm to the touch(I'm thinking heat transfer). I sat out there for 1/2 hr. and let it cool down. While I was looking at the clutches, I noticed that my speedo drive bearing bolt that holds the splined gear on had backed out and was laying by the coolant hose (Thought I had loctited it). Reinstalled that and got it as tight as I could and got back to the house with no problems. (That bolt does nothing but hold the speedo gear on correct?)
Pulled my primary apart. Little bit of slop on the sliding sheeve and top cover and primary spring (which at spec should be 91.4mm) measured in at 93.68mm. Needless to say, I'm ordering new bushings and YWY spring today along with a puller. Clutch needs to be thoroughly cleaned for sure.
I have never heard such a screeching sound on any snowmobile. My guess is that the primary is getting so hot that the metal is starting to seize up? Sled goes really good other than that. BTW, new belt with only 300 miles or so. Belt is not glazed. Just installed an SRX tourque limiter. Offset is at 15mm and center to center is dead on. Belt is riding flush (seems like it should be higher) with the secondary,(which was thoroughly cleaned last season) belt is at new spec width and washers are in on the rear bolts.
My first thought was that there was a problem with bearings in the driveline, although those were replaced last season. I'm guessing that if that was the problem, secondary clutch would be smoking hot too, not the case.
Anyone ever experience anything like this?
Just went out and checked it. Should have checked it yesterday but I went right for the primary. After that, I had had enough. Anyway, not the easiest to turn by hand. My wife and I had a hell of a time getting the skid in after the new track install. I equated it to the track being new, now I'm not so sure. I've got a good inch of hang on the track with no weight, so maybe something is binding things up. Going to head out after work and check it out really good. I clipped all the lugs on the track where they would rub on the front cooler guards, maybe not enough though. Maybe they are rubbing causing resistance?
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OK, went out to the garage and checked out the skid and track. Can't really see any binding of the suspension, however, the only way the track rotates really nice is if I back the adjusters off all the way (2" of hang). I'm wondering if until I get the track broken in and get the stiffness out of it that this is the nature of the beast? I'm sure the track was rolled up for awhile before I bought it. Any thoughts on this? Anyone install a new track and have these problems?
I installed a new 1 inch hack saw on my srx. I have not had any issues yet (knock on wood) with the clutches over heating. We also did one on my father in laws viper and noticed it does take a but to get it rolling. Mine was done in August. I had plenty of time to spin the track and ware the nubs down. I don't know if the cooling gaurds are thicker on a viper or not? I read that some people shave down those tabs that hit the front gaurds. They say it was easy with a razor knife. We will keep an eye on it and see if it does the same as yours.
Figured I'd update you guys on what the problem was. Got the sled into the garage and dropped the skid thinking that's where the problem was. Was looking for something binding etc. Nothing binding, everything looked good. Next, the secondary came off to get to the speedo bearing. Slid right off as I figured it would since I had just changed it out almost the same day LAST January. What do I find? Bearing junk. approx. 370 miles.The whole collar had a crack going from one end to the other right where one of the set screws sit. I went through the same thing with the jackshaft bearing last January, same crack, same spot.
So this is obviously the second time I've had issues with these aftermarket bearings that are part of a kit. Never again. OEM only from now on. Got a new speedo bearing from a local dealer and then had to travel 45 min. to another dealer just to get the set screws. Got the bearing installed, got the skid installed, pulled the jackshaft bearing, re-greased. Yanked the chaincase off and checked both bearings, both were good. What a PIA to say the least!
Took it out yesterday for a while and she runs great! Hacksaw track really bites in on the hardpack for sure! Clutches were running the correct temps. Going out again shortly for another run, she should run good since it's 9* F out. Squeeky snow.
