I have done a bunch of searches looking for the normal operating temperature of a viper. It is referenced all over as "operating temp" but not the actual degrees. Im asking because I put a new digital temp gauge in my viper and went for a quick ride Friday and it never got above 93 degrees. Im thinking it has to be well into the 100 range. My sled overheated last year (the reason for the new gage). Could that have broke my thermostat?

here's an old thread for you http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?56650-Viper-Add-On-Coolant-Temp-Gauge
Jason, it wouldnt hurt to take a peek at the stat, as sometimes when you overheat them the thermostat will get stuck open. they open too far and the moveable part makes the pin go crooked and it gets stuck open, have seen this a couple times before.
I took the thermostat out last night and it looked fine. nothing stuck. I can take a picture tonight to be sure...
ok, no need for a pic, youll know when you see one stuck, the center pin will be at a angle between the 2 parts.
Any other reason it wouldn't get to up to temp? Bad gauge? it said in the directions that It needed to be grounded well. That cant happen if its in a rubber hose. Could that make a difference?
maybe the quick ride was just that too quick.
you also added a rear cooler and raised the needles in the carbs right? those will help keep it cooler also.
I wouldnt think you have a problem till you take it out and get some good seat time on it. if the stats good, it should be fine. I also would think if the guage is working its grounded fine.
you also added a rear cooler and raised the needles in the carbs right? those will help keep it cooler also.
I wouldnt think you have a problem till you take it out and get some good seat time on it. if the stats good, it should be fine. I also would think if the guage is working its grounded fine.
When I said short ride it was 30 miles. It started out about 80 then slowly climbed to 93 at the end of the ride.
Welp, guess it pays to follow directions...
Just put a short jumper to the frame from the fitting. Temp climbed to 120, took the jumper out and it fell to 90 in less than 20 seconds. Guess it isnt grounding through the liquid after all.
Just put a short jumper to the frame from the fitting. Temp climbed to 120, took the jumper out and it fell to 90 in less than 20 seconds. Guess it isnt grounding through the liquid after all.
Just for future searches, my viper runs at 134 - 140...
Where is the sensor located? Is this cylinder head temp? Water?
In the line between the head and the thermostat...