Help Me R&R my first Clutch.. '97 sx 700


New member
Dec 24, 2010
Ok, so I have had my sled in the shop alot this winter because they couldn't figure out my bogging, stalling, low idle issue.. Even after all I tried to tell them from the info Ive seen and relayed to them on here, they insisted it was a fuel delivery issue.. Well today they finally agreed that it was the primary.. They said the rollers were worn right into the aluminum of the spider DO I know what that means.. nope, lol, but I want to ..

They and I are trying to find a used primary for it, and if I can find a good used primary, what exactly am I looking for? I know the pins, sheaves, rollers, weights, washers, center ( cam?) bearings etc, but I have never rebuilt a clutch before so Im not sure what to do with everything.. Is there a diagram or breakdown of the clutch on the boards here somewhere? Im seeing used Primaries for around $200 , but dont know if they would need the Tuneup/rebuild kit for $175 that my local dealer sells.

Other than finding a good primary, I was looking at a Hauck #3 clutch kit and was wondering if it was worth it, and what the benefits would be...

Any info, advise or links you guys could give would help me Immensely..

Thank you!!
OKAY...first things first. There is NO WAY the hundred or so miles you had it back wore that much more into primary so they should have ben well aware or made the issue more clear to you the first time you got sled back (seems I remember they mentioned clutch but nothing to this extent). Chances are most used primarys will come empty (no weights/springs) and your weights/spring would need to be put into replacement primary. You can look at the parts fische (port Yamaha, scroll down on forum page) to get a basic understanding of where parts go and what they are called. Some guys swear by "Olav Aeens clutch tuning book but some are more confused after reading it. My best advice to get the season underway would be to contact one of the TY advertisers (search the buyer/seller feedback column when making this choice) More than likely one of them will be able to load up a primary pretty close to exactly what you need to put it right on the sled and be ready to ride right now.....spend the season riding and learning rather than jacking around with it figuring it all out.
Thank you , and you are correct.. They said the clutch was bad, but they really didn't get to in depth into it. But now that they took the primary off, and there was no vibration, no bog, low idle , etc they finally figured out ..

Honestly I didnt have any clue on what a "un"loaded clutch came with.. springs are not a big deal as I would have both the primary and secondary with the hauck #3 clutch kit.. But just want to make sure this clutch lasts a long time.. I want to keep this sled but its frustrating not knowing how to maintain it..

Regardless I will still buy Yamaha , but more than likely a 2006-2007 apex , :)
Also do you think $200 for a clutch kit is worth it on a stock red head 700? On top of $200 for a clutch?
