2001 Venture 600:
Pulled carb bank to clean and re-installed. Sled starts fine, however, after a minute or two I find I have intermittent or no spark on chaincase side piston. Backfires out exhaust as the unburned fuel loads up. Is it possible that the coil is failing? Looking from the seat to the front of the sled, coil 1 is right, coil 2 is middle and coil 3 is left (pto). I have black wire from cdi to coil 1, then they are connected in gang, then coil 3 is connected back to orange cdi. Is this correct?
Pulled carb bank to clean and re-installed. Sled starts fine, however, after a minute or two I find I have intermittent or no spark on chaincase side piston. Backfires out exhaust as the unburned fuel loads up. Is it possible that the coil is failing? Looking from the seat to the front of the sled, coil 1 is right, coil 2 is middle and coil 3 is left (pto). I have black wire from cdi to coil 1, then they are connected in gang, then coil 3 is connected back to orange cdi. Is this correct?
reverse those connections and see what happens. i can look at one of mine tomorrow, but off the top of my head i think the orange goes to the mag side coil first to the black/white wire. most times its plug and play with the bullet connector configuration but i have messed a few of those up myself.