Another rookie clutching question


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Red Deer, AB
Hey guys, sorry for the uneducated question, but looking for some insight

My stock '99 SRX700 seems to "slip" as soon as I get to approx 10-15 mph when cold. It pulls perfect from a stop, but if I try to continue accelerating, the sled will continue to rev but drastically wants to slip the belt. If I feather the throttle for a while just before it starts to slip and maintain that speed, it takes a while, but will pull through the dead spot. Once the belt is warm, it works perfect. Problem gets worse as the outside temps drop.

Does this sound like a clutch problem or a belt problem? I have tried different belts, but same issue.

Any help would be appreciated!

No, haven't done anything yet.

Forgot to mention this issue started happening a few years back but only when it was extremely cold outside...-25 or colder, and has now started to happen more often and at milder temps, like today -8 celcius, but still only when the belt is cold.
Again, I am extremely uneducated on clutching, but if heavier weights were put into the primary clutch, would it clamp down tighter on the belt matching better with the secondary action of loosening on the belt, keeping proper tension throughout the clutching?

...pardon my ignorant lingo!
u will need to give us the clutch set up u got in your sled ...from there will be able to help u ...front spring ,weight ,secondary spring and helix angle
The sled is all stock, never been touched. The sled was purchased in Red Deer new, so approx 3000ft.

Has a white paint spot on the primary spring.

Does that help at all?

Just tried to pull the clutch off, but it's being a little persistent, I'm thinking it's likely never been off. Tightened up the puller but won't budge. What is best way to pop it off? Do you dare heat the center where the belt rides?

Thanks guys.
your secondary clutch is probably slipping,not enough belt pressure.Find out your spring and wrap one thing first and when done either you should feel a change or not..then go onto the primary and check everything.Guess we need your clutch set up of hand to see if you are even clutched right.
no secret to pull them off ...if u got a good puller it will came off ....It look like some bushing must be worn and probably time for some new spring ..if the primary spring is not a y-w-y then its not stock ...let us know went your clutch will be pop off
How tight does the puller typically get before it pops? I bought a Kimpex 18mm puller and after I decided to back it off I noticed the smaller diameter portion at the end of the puller was slightly bent in an S shape. I'm thinking not normal!
your puller is junk now ...better buy a good one not from kimpex all depend some are hard and some are not ....:-( bad news u need a new puller
Hopefully you didn't wreck the threads in your crank, I did when I tried using an aftermarket puller and ended up having to retap the threads. In case you did, the threads are 1/2 inch fine thread, not metric believe it or not. Definately go out and buy a yamaha puller, it's worth it.
And if you read up on site here you will see that guys use water or grease to "hydraulic" a stubborn clutch off. I tipped my sled on the side and filled the hole with water, teflon taped the threads on the puller and screwed it in. popped the clutch off like nothing after bending that aftermarket puller before. Some guys use grease, either will work good
Yep, gonna try cutting off the narrow portion of the puller and use grease to hydraulic it off. Went back and checked my records...clutch hasn't been off since 2008...yikes, time flies when ur havin fun!!

...guess it's time for a quick inspection and likely some new springs!

Will let u know how the puller goes, Thanks Again!
these guys are steering you in the right direction gettin that clutch off.

Reading your first post, I would want to look real good at the moveable sheave bushing and the spider pucks, as i see you mentiuon its been doing this for a year or so and now getting worse.
Well, I have good news and of course some bad.

Clutch came off like a freakin gun shot!! With the clutch packed full of grease, the puller torqued up pretty tight and about 30 seconds of heat she let loose with a bang. Note to self - remove the 1/2" extension from the puller before adding heat as it narrowly missed my knee!

Bad news - the first three threads on the crank are completely mashed from the stupid puller. I will take your advise Sask and re-tap the threads, hopefully I'm not buying a crank now!
Thanks again for all the great advise on the clutch setup. Gonna get everything cleaned up and see where we go from here.

Great to see people willing to share their knowledge!!


