New member
So this is my issue, I'm trying to pull off my primary clutch, used a buddies puller that he was using for his 98 srx on my 2002 should be the same and i had the clutch off couple weaks ago so it should have worked fine. I threaded the puller and all seemed good but couldn't get the clutch to pop, so I tried to take the puller out and it came out far enough where I thought i can just grab it with my hands , but the puller seems stuck and I get it out. Anyone ever have this problem?
look like you puller is bend inside the crank sure some picture would help us ...
Active member
i would try to get some lube in there , let it set and slowly try to turn it back in and than out. dose sound like your puller might of bent. 3:16 (YAMMIE TONY)
New member
I had this problem last year use the search there is a thread on it called clutch puller stuck.
New member
So your puller broke as you where taking out with a slide hammer? I read your thread sounds like my exact problem. I just don't want to break the puller and still not be able to get it out.
I drilled down the center with a 3/16 12" bit to weaken the tip. then I made an adapter for the slide hammer then drilled and taped the end of the puller hit it a couple times and it broke the tip off. Then the messed up part fell out. I still use the same puller with no tip to pull my clutch I just yip the sled on its side and fill the hole with water and it works fine.
New member
Thanks, ill try some of those tricks and see if I can get that puller out, appreciate the help
New member
I had a similar problem last year. I used a cheap puller and it bent in the crank like yours. I just twisted it out and threads were not damaged, but I could've just got lucky.
What I found worked ABSOLUTELY great was to cut that bent puller down so you have just the threaded portion and Teflon tape it well. Tip the sled on its side so you can Then fill the primary with transmission fluid tighten in the now short puller and hydraulics pulls off the primary. Good luck
What I found worked ABSOLUTELY great was to cut that bent puller down so you have just the threaded portion and Teflon tape it well. Tip the sled on its side so you can Then fill the primary with transmission fluid tighten in the now short puller and hydraulics pulls off the primary. Good luck
New member
Ya I guess that solve the problem of a bent puller for the future, you always do that now. Ill probly do it that way from now on, I still have to get my puller out, beeing stuburn, but I have yet to try a few things that people have posted.
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WOW!!!!..bad puller
Devilin AblueDress!
New member
BAD BAD PULLER......pretty sure its beyond scolding it back into shape! Threads in the crank OK?
Glad u got it out. I would check the threads in the crank to be sure just run a tap down it and b safe if I remember correctly its a standard thread.
New member
yep threads are all ok, thought I was going to loose this battle. happy times.....