Clutch problem what to do?


New member
Jan 11, 2005
Hornell, NY
Purchased a clutch puller so that I could service my primary on a 2000 sx700r , and I cannot get the dang thing off, and it bent the end of my new puller. Has anybody else experienced this problem. What shoul I do now?
Thanks for any help you can give.

I had the exact same thing happen last year. What I do now is pump a bunch of grease into where you put the puller. I then used the puller like normal. The hydraulic pressure build up pops the clutch right off. It's messy but should work.
sometimes if they are tight you could hit the end of the puller with a hammer, not smash it but tap it like you were hitting a nail. some guys use grease like mentioned above. hope you don't have to be like some and heat the crap out of it, that can't be to good for the clutch. but the hammer thing works for me...
I'll give it a try with the grease and hit it with a hammer if that doesn't work lol!!! I kind of thought the same about using heat (last resort). Will have to wait until I get another puller now though. Thans for the idea'a so far.
i bent a puller once, then i got my friend to cut off the bent part and weld on a grade eight bolt. i think it was a grade eight, i know it is alot better now than that soft crappy metal they make them from. find a welder and a good strong bolt it will save you from buying a new one, or ones...
Use a heavy rubber hammer and tap the edge of the inner sheave after you tighten the puller all the way. Be sure you have the right puller by doing some measurements.
