I want to buy the right used sled for me. I need it under 5k and like fourstrokes. I am 6'2" 350#. I will be riding ditches and trails 50:50 in IL and WI. Ive had some short field rides on a buddies 2010 750cc turbo dragon and like the power Alot but after reading about them I dont know if they are that reliable. I like my yamaha quads and have a couple of yfz450s and a banshee. I had a raptor also.
What sled would you tell me to get? I need it to have enough power that I don't go crazy and modify the crap out of it like I do with everything else
What sled would you tell me to get? I need it to have enough power that I don't go crazy and modify the crap out of it like I do with everything else
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New member
The 750 turbo is reliable, once the updates were done. I think all the latest updates were from 08 that cured the teething issues they had the first couple of years.
If you want a Yamaha 4 stroke, the RX chassis 3 cylinders are solid, rs vectors and ventures, but they don't have the power of that 750 turbo, and need exhaust donuts regularly as part of the exhaust design. They are heavy too. But neither weight not relatively less power should stop you from considering these. The Apex will have more power, but are not quite as reliable as the 3 cylinder models but still very reliable.
If you want a Yamaha 4 stroke, the RX chassis 3 cylinders are solid, rs vectors and ventures, but they don't have the power of that 750 turbo, and need exhaust donuts regularly as part of the exhaust design. They are heavy too. But neither weight not relatively less power should stop you from considering these. The Apex will have more power, but are not quite as reliable as the 3 cylinder models but still very reliable.
Apex or Attak...neither will do you wrong...just keep an eye on the exhaust as these have issues there as well.
The big lad in our group rides a FX Nytro.
He beats the shyte out of it. About 6'4 and 300 plus. 2 hours a day in the gym though. Tosses that thing around like it's a 250 Enticer.
He beats the shyte out of it. About 6'4 and 300 plus. 2 hours a day in the gym though. Tosses that thing around like it's a 250 Enticer.
Are the nytros all 150hp? I have been looking at apex and attaks so far. If most turbo dragons are reliable I will get one of them. I just got to figure out which models have a turbo. I really like the arm stretching power they have.
New member
The 2008+ Nytro's are 130hp. I rode a Vector last weekend (similar engine as the Nytro but w/o fuel injection and only 120hp) and it wasn't "arm stretching" at all. It might have been fast, it just didn't feel like it. If I weighted 350lbs I'd be looking at an 800cc 2-stroke myself (Skidoo Rev or XP).
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
The Warriors were up the in HP weren't they?
low slung
Active member
Find a phazer(2009 0r 2010 on).RTX model like my new 2014 is a hoot to ride.Its the only Yamaha four-stroke that feels as light as any 500cc sled.Really quick out of the hole,80mph top speed,and its a fourstroke.Just install a fourstroke solutions roll-over valve kit for off trail.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iprqCpqz8QA
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Or a Turbo Phazer for more HP.
New member
Warriors have 145hp. My friend has an 05 and it rides nice but I wouldn't consider it a ditch banger. It's really happy on fast trails.
New member
Fx nytros are 130 or so HP, but the low end tq is nuts on them. A nytro xtx is something that you should try.but... If you need a turbo some used nytros have turbo's installed.
Otherwise, get the fst turbo. Polaris files has a ton of info on them. Guys have proven turbo tunes on them that are fast and reliable, well over 200 hp. Otherwise you could get a turbo cat, but those are so unreliable is not funny. Go like hell when they run though, but eat belts like gas.
Otherwise, get the fst turbo. Polaris files has a ton of info on them. Guys have proven turbo tunes on them that are fast and reliable, well over 200 hp. Otherwise you could get a turbo cat, but those are so unreliable is not funny. Go like hell when they run though, but eat belts like gas.
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I dont think the phazer is big enough cc for me. I would like 150hp or 750cc and up.
Whats the top speed on the nytro? and how many cc?
Whats the top speed on the nytro? and how many cc?
New member
Stock nytros do a good 100 mph, 1050 triple.
Nitro sounds like the best fit for you. I know here they still get good prices for them. Might want to look into the rs nitro as there should be some deals on those. Same motor as the ventures and vectors but was more geared to snow cross/ ditch banging than the rx and apex's where. Only 120 hp but clutched way different than the rx where.
If willing to put some mod time into a sled, you can build or clutch anything to work how you want it to. Could always turn an rx into an xtx sled by replacing the skid with a xtx one from a sled scrapper.
Just buy the sled you like and stay within your budget. Mods can happen later as the yammy 4 strokes go for a lot of miles before the motor fails typically.
Buddha had his 2006 rs nitro up for sale on the 4 stroke side. Lots of mods already done to it.
If willing to put some mod time into a sled, you can build or clutch anything to work how you want it to. Could always turn an rx into an xtx sled by replacing the skid with a xtx one from a sled scrapper.
Just buy the sled you like and stay within your budget. Mods can happen later as the yammy 4 strokes go for a lot of miles before the motor fails typically.
Buddha had his 2006 rs nitro up for sale on the 4 stroke side. Lots of mods already done to it.