1998 Yamaha SRX 700 Idles no response to throttle or choke


New member
Jan 4, 2014
I have just got my sled out to get it ready for some local riding, I drained the gas tank flushed it and added new fuel. Removed carbs and cleaned them, I followed the guidance from the tech forum thanks for posting. The sled started easy and runs smooth at idle, I hit the throttle and no response, I move the choke lever no response. I can see everything working mechanically, the throttle opens, the choke rail slides as normal. I'm overlooking something not sure where to look next. I'm thinking of the TORS system, maybe when I reinstalled the throttle cables they are too tight, not sure where to go next any suggestions. Thanks for the help.
Make sure your throttle cable adjustment is within specs. If you want to bypass the TORS, it is really easy: plug the two wires going from the carbs into themselves. Plug the two wires going to the carbs with themselves. Done!
so it idles fine but you can get it to rev when the throttle is applied? or something else? divulge a bit more info.

if it was a tors issue, you could at least get to about 3000 rpms before it activated. you would have throttle response, just no high revs. hard to imagine if you can see the cam moving for the throttle that your not increasing engine speed.
