Vmax needle mod question with picture


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Lemont, illinois

Is this typically what everyone does for the midrange bog or do you simply just move the clip to one position higher on the needle? I would use this for my 95 dx 600

split the clip between the washers and test. since no two sleds are equal, thats a good starting point then adjust from there.

just did one the other day and that half position either way made for a bog on the first 1/4 or so throttle. raised the needle and it went away.
pull your needles out and see. it may have been changed. find the washer(s) and measure them. .8mm is standard, .4mm is what you want. .4's are found on most from 97 up. i most likely have a few.
I know it says it's for a 95/95 Vmax 500/600. Could this be safely applied to a SX500R to help eliminate the 0-1/4 throttle bog.

I should also add that it is stock except for SRX/Viper reed cages. Mid & top end are great.
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