2006 VK540 carb cleaning


New member
Jan 5, 2014
I cleaned the carb on my 2006 VK540 and now it will run off the primer but will not idle. It was working fine beforehand. I'm thinking I may have one of the plastic plugs in the wrong tower inside the bowl area, or maybe I have something I had out back together wrong. I pulled the fuel line off and pulled over the engine, fuel shoots out the line so I know the pump is working. Any info?
I've hauled it apart 3 times now, cleaned everything up and it's still the same. Burns the prime and that's it. If I hold the throttle half open or better, it'll stay going. I'm thinking I may have put one of the plugs in the towers inside in the wrong place. Any idea where they belong? I thought when I took it apart that they went into the two outer ones, then I was sidetracked and wasn't sure, but everything I've looked up shows the center and pilot covered. I can't find anything for a 2006 VK showing where they go. Everything I find is for an SRV.

Is there anything in the left tower looking at the carb from the bottom with the main jet on top and the three smaller towers on bottom?
