SRX keeps blowing belts...

88 yamaha 570

New member
Jan 3, 2010
Bridgeport, NY
Hey guys it's been a while and I'm having issues with my sled. I was eating belts like crazy last year because my clutch was cracked. Replaced it this year and I'm still eating belts.

I checked my mounts and alignment last night everything seems good and sanded the clutches with 320 grit. Blew 2 more belts today. The fixed side of the primary is hot to the touch and the outside is warm. Secondary is cool.

I'm going to check how easy my track spins with the secondary to see if the bearings are good. Only thing I can think of is there is a few cracks at the very bottom of the primary starting to form.

I only blow belts at WOT over 80 mph. If I do 3/4 throttle at 90+ it doesn't blow them tho

Would those cracks cause the belts to blow if they are that low?



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that clutch is junk. first off. those cracks don,t cause belts to blow. with that said, thats another issue like a time bomb.
1. use the 8dn yamaha belt
2. check center to center
3. check offset.
4. check belt deflection
5. check motor mounts.
6. may need to get your crankshaft check. is this a 98 srx ? 3:16 (yammie tony)
Stock gearing. Ya there's a few cracks. It was a used clutch that was laying around. Center to center is good. Offset was 15mm and 14mm belt was an 8dn motor mounts and alignment checked last night didn't check deflection tho and cranks good the motor was fully rebuilt like 300 miles ago

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It's a 98. Crank was checked over when rebuilt and motor is in spec. Not sure of weights. Stock I'd imagine. And belt deflection was good last night I think? Belt sat about 1/16 of an inch above the secondary and when revved on a stand and let idle the secondary just barely inches the track forward at idle

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Stock gearing. Ya there's a few cracks. It was a used clutch that was laying around.

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Add to that your other comment about weights being stock you imagine. Any idea what it was on? For example if it was on a red head or twin motor stock weights are not going to produce a good result.

Torque limiter? Re-installed? Set up right?
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Dude get that thing off of there, I take it you've never witnessed a primary explode. Youll be lucky to have all your toes if it does because its not pretty, but youll get better cooling from all the holes it blows through the hood and belly.
Like was mentioned before, check your motor mounts. Every single belt eating sled I've seen ended up having a broken motor mount. Alignment checks out fine, but when gassing it while riding the motor torque pulls the primary out of alignment. As far as that cracked clutch...I wouldn't even be able to enjoy riding for worry of that thing letting go.
I'll post up a pic of my old clutch. And it came off an SRX I did check motor mounts. I tried prying the motor and jerking it she wasn't moving. Should I completely remove the mounts to check them? By torque limiter you talking about the wishbone? That's on and good

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grab your clutch without belt on it and see if you can lift up on your motor. another words see if it rocks. i mean something that would feel excessive. another thing your can try is add a series of small holes in your clutch guard at front above primary. 3:16 (yammie tony)
When you go for a ride do you warm the belt up by riding EASY for the first couple of minutes? I used to get on in front of a crowd and drive away fast. 10 minutes down the trail it would throw the belt every time.
