New member
So I did all the preseason stuff, cleaned the carbs, powervalves, fresh fuel etc etc. The problem now is the idle is at 4000rpm and will not go down at all, even with the idle screw turned all the way out. It does come down with the choke on but as soon as I take it off it climbs back up right away. There is slack in the throttle cable and I drove it with the idle high and it seemed good, the throttle was responsive like it should be. The fuel filter was replaced 2 seasons ago. TORS is disconnected, has been for years. Plugged the TORS in and then it sounds like a rev limiter is kicking in.
It was also a bit hard to start after we cleaned everything and took some starter fluid to get it going( i know we shouldn't) it started fine once warm though.
Just started it again with choke,engine was cold(now started good). But as soon as the choke is off the idle climbs back up to 4000rpm.
Any ideas?
It was also a bit hard to start after we cleaned everything and took some starter fluid to get it going( i know we shouldn't) it started fine once warm though.
Just started it again with choke,engine was cold(now started good). But as soon as the choke is off the idle climbs back up to 4000rpm.
Any ideas?
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Active member
afew things to check.
1. make sure carbs are clean , real clean
2. i believe problem is still in carbs if idle drops when choke is on your giving more fuel
3. make sure you carb slides are opening equal
4. if the tors kicks on, it censoring a stuck open slide.
5. check and clean air box. 3:16 (yammie tony)
1. make sure carbs are clean , real clean
2. i believe problem is still in carbs if idle drops when choke is on your giving more fuel
3. make sure you carb slides are opening equal
4. if the tors kicks on, it censoring a stuck open slide.
5. check and clean air box. 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
As yammie tony said it's your fuel if you put your choke on and it idles down that means it is running lean. Too much air. Check slides and recheck carbs. Don't forget the air screw. Make sure carb boots arent torn and are properly on.
Active member
what is your fuel screw set to? did you forget to turn it out enough?
New member
Well I'm pretty sure I found the problem. I had a mistake when I hooked up the throttle cable to the carb rack. The cable was somehow too tight,that is was lifting the slides up,holding the throttle open part way. Somehow I had slack further up the cable, not sure how that happened
. I just cleaned the air box, going to reassemble and fire it up after I have some dinner.
Hopefully thats all it was.

Hopefully thats all it was.