Carbides + Steering Adjustments


New member
Oct 14, 2012
Hi, I had some steering issues last year and I am trying to avoid them this year, not sure if it was a ski pressure issue. The issue is the ease of turning, she pushes a bit. What is the best way to adjust this on my 02 viper?

Also what is the best bang for the buck carbide I can get for this sled to help set the sled up for optimum turning in all conditions powdery to hard pack trails. My sled is studded with 96 studs I believe, no engine modifications.
with studs i would go to somthing like a 6 inch, dont want to much. as for the push make sure your skis are in good shape. if so, up the front shocks pre load 2 turns at a time and see if it helps.
i have always been a fan of woodys carbides. im guessing you have the oem plastic skis on? make sure the keel down the center if the ski is in good condition. mine was wore down and no amount of carbide would fix it. how much carbide is on it now?
4" I believe, and the keel looks great.

I will have to double check, I haven't looked at the sled much in months, starting the pre-checks and parts ordering process to start the season now. I remember it handled decent enough, but was pretty tippy and pushy and if its an easy couple of adjustments to bring it around I would love to know about them before I go and order parts

Thanks for the replies, very helpful so far.
Try a 6" carbide woodies are good quality. Make sure ski pressure is right and shimmed. 96 studs is just enough to push the front end around with 4in carbides. I run a 1/4 shim on the back side of the rubber mount to keep the keel down bergstrom 8" tripple threats with 144 studs. It is the perfect ballance.
