How many pulls is to many????

3g racing

New member
Jan 13, 2011
fayette ohio
I have an 02' srx, and I know it's been cold lately but how many pulls is to many before wondering if some things wrong?? I've had srx's start in 3 or 4 pulls some take 20, my 02' seems to be a hard starter,I rode last nite it was hard to start 18 pulls but -10, parked it un heated garage. Tonite went to ride and it took 21 pulls,wtf I was thinkin wow! So it does run great once started, my carbs are clean everything else in working order,is there some thing to worry about
My buddys srx started in 1-2 pulls every time. 4-6 would be reasonable but 20+ is definitely not right.
I've got two srxs. The 600 starts in about 5 and the 700 in 6 at 0 degrees. Do a few searches, there are several factors to hard starting.
Fuel (air with atomized gas), spark, and compression. One is not present at a sufficient level to allow ignition. The colder the temp the less fuel will get atomized, thus the need for an enriched fuel mixture. Can be one of or any combination of several things. Best way to figure it out is to stop after a few pulls and diagnose to see what is missing. Of course sometimes that is hard to do when you simply want to go riding.
last time I went to start my SRX after sitting in the Cold(-30 to -45 C)the first 30 pulls nothing happened.Finally poured fuel down the cyl's.Fired once and another 10 pulls it was running...SRX's are just nasty to start.Even my SXR took some 20 pulls..very unusual for it...nature of the beast..Yamaha's big flaw.Wish they would of had primers incorporated in these sleds.
Anecdotal, but my mountain max starts in 2 pulls. My buddies viper could take 40 on a really cold day. I do not know why. It would start right away on a warm day. ;(
I remember the last trip with mine. My wifes sxr 700 started in 3 pulls, it was -5 F outside. Srx took 42 pulls. I counted all of them. There were some guys that put inline fuel marine type on them and it helped plus they had a check valve in them. I swear something odd happens when you take an SRX run it hard and it gets parked overnight outside is super cold weather...almost like a vacuum in the tank that takes all the fuel from the bowls. Maybe I'm nuts but 42 pulls was and is crazy!!!
-20 mines about 6 pulls -10 3 max only time it's about 20 is when it's sat all summer. I'd check ur fuel lines. Could be allowing air to seep in letting the fuel drain back into the tank so pump losing the prime. Hard fuel lines or bad pulse line maybe?
proof in the pudding for me fellas. Make sure the carbs are adjusted right, Me and my brother have identical sleds, both 2002 vipers, My carbs are adjusted extremely extremely tight, not to the point where they are on just sitting there but really close, and mine starts in 2-3 pulls after sitting outside in -10 degree weather and his starts in 7-10 pulls. Try shutting off the sled with the choke. Flood the engine with fuel at idle until it shuts of with fuel and see if it start easier the next time. Thats my 2 cents.
My 2002 seems to always start after 4 to 5 pulls while sitting in the garage. I Had the sled over night at camp with my -25 and pulled probably a good 10 to 15 times
I think this should be normal.
Like I said before I've had several different srx's and they all started different, it seems my 02' is the hardest starting if them all so far just wondering what how many time most people have to pull on their oldie(but goodie) it does start easier in the warmer months tho, thanks
brad when its cold out like its been here, shut it off with the choke when your done, next time it will start up alot easier.

Its not been -12F here in Ohio in a LONG time, thats freakin cold. The rpm in which your pulling it over is a heck of alot slower then when its warm out, as the oil is a whole lot thicker and engine turns slower due to the oil being sticky.
Guys this past week my brother and myself both had issues with starting our vipers and srxs 4 total. all the same issue after sitting in enclosed trailers and cold garages near 0 or below.After pulling 20 times or so we new something had to be wrong.Took a heat gun carefully to the fuel pump area for a few min.2nd and third pull started,first time i have experienced this. was thinking maybe something in fuel pump freezing,maybe moisture forms inside ?two of the srxs had 91 non ethanol go figure
Wednesday, after temps fell to -18*f the current temp while starting was around 0*f. All of the sleds started with under 5 pulls. The Viper lit off on 3 the 128 sxr took 5 the 121 sxr took 4 Wifes delux is electric, easy start. The old Phazer cranked off the fasted. 2nd pull and was running great. 21 years old and it still runs excellant.
