I have found an 02 Viper for sale. Going to see it this weekend. Well looked after, so he says. Looks good. It has higher mileage, but is priced well. Is there any way to quickly check the power valves for pull through??? This sled, if purchased will be replacing my wifes 700 Vmax

if they will let you pull the servo cover off a valve with a pull through should have a slack cable.
Thanks. I already know about the servo cover. A slack cable lets you know a cable, or p/v is done
New member
Alrighty then......
If the valves aren't stuck, with the cover off the servo, they will move and spring back if you lightly push down on the cables. The servo may move, hold it steady. If they won't move they are carboned up and stuck. You really need to get them out to look for pull through or cable end issues.