Got more problems again with my srx 700. When I pin the throttle it will hit 8500rpms again but then it will drop a cylinder it seems like cause it loses all pull and sounds like its sucking to much air. 125psi across the board on all 3 cylinders. Primary and secondary clutches are good. Plugs are good, golden brownish, not lean or running rich. Powervalve cables are great, no pull thrus and the powervalves are clean. No gaskets leaking. The weird part though is I can hold the throttle at 7500-7700rpms myself and it will pull hard to 80mph but if I pin it, thats when it acts as if it drops a cylinder. I'm beyond mind boggled and am pulling my hair out with this. Anybody have this problem before or have any ideas on what else I could try?

Super Moderator
Sounds like it could maybe be a stator??? Sounds similar to a few posts ive read lately about loosing power at top end. Worth a look, lots of posts about it just run a search.
I've done a lot of research and everyone says something different but its worth a try! Like I said the weird part is I can hold it at 7500-7700rpms and it will pull to about 80mph and just keep at that.
Try this. I bet you are running out of fuel at wide open. The carbs may not be filling up quickly enough. There should be a small screen above the needle valve. Maybe it is dirty and cannot flow enough fuel. This is why when you let off it would run fine again since the pump would keep enough fuel coming in.
I'll try that to, didn't think of that. I had the carbs cleaned earlier this year, I didn't do it myself cause I didn't have the extra time this year. Are them carbs pretty easy to get out and clean?
New member
I had the same issue earlier this year, I took off the starter cup and cleaned the outside of the flywheel. There was a little rust on the outside. Perfect now. You will have to slacken the chassis support on the magneto side to get the bolts out and take off the pipes. Make sure the pipes are nice and tight when you put them back in.
New member
Get an ohm meter and check. The output on the stator. That's the easiest way to check it. I just did the same to mine.
New member
Was like anywhere from 379 to 475 ohms is good
New member
That's the range on the 1998-1999 srx ,I would think newer srx would be the same but u may wanna double check that.
Active member
make sure there's no rust on the flywheel, doesn't seem like a big deal but wow can it hurt top end
make sure there's no rust on the flywheel, doesn't seem like a big deal but wow can it hurt top end
good advice right there!
If you do pull the carbs and clean them check the float heights too,if they are set too low it will not allow enough fuel in either.14mm seems to be the magic number for the measurement.In case you don't know how to do this take the carb rack and hold it at an angle so that the gas inlet tubes are straight up,then take a metric tape or ruler and measure from the flat of the carb body to the flat of the float just before it steps down.If you need to adjust the float height all you do is bend the tang where the needle sits either up or down according to whether you need to raise the float height or lower it.I hope you can make sense of what I described but once you get the carbs apart you should be able to tell what it is I'm describing.I wish I could find some pictures to go along with this but hopefully it'll be easy to figure out.
Active member
My 2000 was doing about the same thing. It was jetted too rich. Pilots were 47.5, mains 151.3, 151.3, 152.5, fuel screws at 2 1/4, needles were set at 4. I had another set of carbs here so I switched jets, I dropped it down to 151.3, 150, 150, pilots 42.5 fuel screws 1 1/2. Much better now but I think I'm going to set the needs at the stock setting at 3. Not sure why mine was jetted so rich, I found a hole melted in the belly pan from the pipe so I'm thinking maybe someone had aftermarket pipes on it at one time, put OEM pipes back on and never rejetted.
Had similar issue with my '01 and against common logic, it wasn't getting to little gas, but too much. After messing with the TPS for a couple weeks and getting about as frustrated as you, I got into the carbs and found my floats were all too low allowing too much gas in and causing a serious bog at FT. It showed up much worse in mid to high 30 degree temps and my mileage was worse than an arctic cat if you can believe that!!!
LMAO that's a good one."worse than an Arctic Cat"Had similar issue with my '01 and against common logic, it wasn't getting to little gas, but too much. After messing with the TPS for a couple weeks and getting about as frustrated as you, I got into the carbs and found my floats were all too low allowing too much gas in and causing a serious bog at FT. It showed up much worse in mid to high 30 degree temps and my mileage was worse than an arctic cat if you can believe that!!!
I have a bud that rides Cat,he has a turbo 1100 now but at one time had one of those 550 EXTs.Nice sled for the time but holy cow you couldn't lug enough extra gas with ya to go on an extended ride.