No more SRX


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Albany, NY
The srx is gone, i have traded it for a 2004 pro x2 600, i was sad to see it go but the pro x suites the way i ride much better, i ride to hard for the srx and the poor girl was beating me to death lol, here is the new sled, its not a srx but let me know what u think
Looks like fun! let us know what kind of luck you have with it. I rebuilt an '02 800 twin once and the water/oil pump is driven externally with a belt. The driveshaft into the pump(or from the case?) was almost completely chewed off. I would check that out.
I think they are all fun nowadays so it really is whatever suits you better. My knees keep telling me to get off of the couch style srx too but it just keeps on going!
I like it, tell us the pros and cons of it.

You can leave out any pros about how awsome the suspension is compared to the old girl. We all know the outcome lol.
Definitely a cool looking sled........Even as true blue as I am even I may have ben tempted to swap either of my 98's for it. The pro x skid is a common upgrade to the pro-action so it shouldn't beat you up anymore!
My cousin had an '02 or '03 I can't remember and it was a nice sled. I like the Pro X suspension better than the standard edge suspension which I thought was too soft. You should like it, have fun.
