2001 MM 700 Digitron DT 34 SN hook up


New member
Jul 5, 2012
Fort St John BC
I would like to install my Digitron DT 34 SN on my 2001 MM 700. It requires AC power from my lighting coil before the regulator for power supply and tach signal, and ground to engine block.Where can I safely tap in for AC power?and what amps of an inline fuse could I use to protect my electrical system from any possible problems from my Digitron?
I have the same unit on my '01 SRX. I'll check what I did and report back tomorrow.

Sorry for the late reply and unfortunately I can't give you a definate answer. When I installed mine I didn't plan to do it again and the connection is soldered, sealed and taped.

The fuse is a half amp (.5A).

The white two wire connector in the attached pic is for my GPS with the EGT/tach connection taped up behind it but hopefully shows why I didn't want to go tearing into it.

If Digitron is the same as they were in 2001, they were who I called when I needed the same info. They were a pleasure to deal with.


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