I will be running my sled in 800ft hill drags in the upcoming weeks. As of now i am running an 8bu-00 Set up that has been running strong for 660ft flatland drags and i have geared the sled appropriately. My question is whether or not i can get sufficient backshift while running these weights? (Can they be used effieciently in this kind of racing?) I have already got 80deg. Twist in my secondary a steep helix and no place to add weight to the 8bu's. Oh and I do have a harder sec. Spring available?? Any and all help is greatly appreciated guys!
OK Im confused by your question. As a drag racer your only concern should be up-shifting. You typically want a secondary setup with only the required spring tension that prevents belt slippage. Back-shifting is of course required for trail riding and sno X.
what r u running in it now as in rivet weights and helix angle and spring colors, gearing maybe the more you give the better these experts can help out
Active member
8bu-00 are drag race weights. great e.t., what need backshift for ? don,t use a steep helix on deep snow for running up a hill with these weights. 3:16 (yammie tony)
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hill drags most times require getting out of the throttle and back on, track dependent. most times you need a quick backshift. the ones i have ran have some major obstacles.
sorry, cant help you with your clutching. just thought i would clarify the difference between straightline drags and uphill drags. if you have a smooth uphill run available, straightline clutching will work.
sorry, cant help you with your clutching. just thought i would clarify the difference between straightline drags and uphill drags. if you have a smooth uphill run available, straightline clutching will work.
hill drags most times require getting out of the throttle and back on, track dependent. most times you need a quick backshift. the ones i have ran have some major obstacles.
sorry, cant help you with your clutching. just thought i would clarify the difference between straightline drags and uphill drags. if you have a smooth uphill run available, straightline clutching will work.
Thats what i have pictured in my head as well.
I would use heel clickers with the red primary spring, they will provide a fast upshift and good backshift with the red primary spring. helix something like a 48-50 start and a 36 finsh angle. Gear the sled a tad taller then the mph you want to reach in the distance, so youll get a bit better traction.
8bu-00 are good drag weight but they dont backshift real fast due to all the heel weight, you can get them half way decent with a shallower helix finish but not "quick backshifting".
Thanks guys! I love the 8BU`s but as snowdad said i may have to let off at 2 or 3 points during the race when the sled goes airborn. Since I dont have any other weights on hand I`ll play around in the secondary to try and``speed up`` the backshift. Ill try my harder spring in the next few days aswell to see what that does
try and find a shallower finish angle helix and use a silver sec sring, that should get it manageable since those are the only weights you have.
Active member
8bu-00 are awesome for ice , grass, and tar. i have tested the hell out of them in two srx,s and one 800 vmax. they suck in deep snow, i had the wrong cam for sno drags with them, just did not work. great roaster tail. 3:16 (yammie tony)