Bad Times


Mar 24, 2008
Considering selling and or parting out my 00SRX Ohlins. Love the sled but sadly am considering selling due to the fact that I cannot afford to fix and am going through a nasty divorce. I am also kind of getting sick of the wrenching. These Beasts are angry and need maintained or they eat themselves. I have not "really" riden it for two years now and noticed last year was running slightly off at lower RPMs. I bought her used w/prob around 4K miles and have maintained as well as beaten her A$$ over my few years. Anyhow, I was going about my typical cleaning and maintenance and noticed two of the powervalves were sheared off in cylinder. They had play and my thought was to just replace and pray they did not clip the pistons. After better judgement I decided to open her up and the clutch side piston was just barely clipped if at all, with obvious piston wear. The question is now if I really want to sit on her and or sell her and maybe find a newer one next year. What is the going rate for a parts sled? She runs and runs well... wide open that is, LOL. After opening her up though I noticed it was just a matter of time... I will try to upload pics later. Thanks.
Sled values (especially two strokes) took a HIT this year. I am seeing a record amount of SRX's for sale locally at prices that had I seen them last year I would have bought as many as I could have.....this year I have already sold one and am pondering selling 2 or 3 more.
After being on the other end of a particularly nasty, long, drawn out divorce, I feel your pain.

There are also some things to consider in the grand scheme of things before you do anything rash. I don't know if Ohio is a dreaded community property state like Wisconsin is, but if it IS, half of whatever you own is hers. Also.....whatever you sell from the date of the filing until the ink is dry you owe her half of, and trust me, you will be held to task on everything you do and have.....EVEN IF she "allowed" you certain items.

Mine may have been an extreme case, but it got so bad that I had to go out and pay to have my stuff appraised because she determined an inflated value of everything and tried to squeeze me for it. I had to PROVE that my rinky-dink guitars and musical equipment that I fool around with weren't worth the $12000 she claimed. I got an appraised value of $10000 less. That's just one example. I have several others if you are interested.....

Divorce, ESPECIALLY a nasty one is like chess. You have to plan on her making moves she hasn't even thought of yet and be ready for them if and when she does.
If anything, maybe you can inflate the value on it and hang her with it and come out ahead on something else if it comes to it. Who knows what things will come to?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm just trying to help.
