My 2002 viper seems to not like to idle "smooth" with this MBRP trail can on it when cold. It has even fouled a plug when starting it cold (only once). When this was bone stock (still is except can) it would start and idle cold like it was a swiss watch. Carbs are clean, pv's are clean sled has 6300 km and maintenance is always done on time. I know this can is a sound upgrade only no power increase but for now I would like to keep it on if possible This has never fouled a plug in the 4 years (3500 km) I've owned it til now. Sled runs excellent hot fuel mileage is still great. Any thoughts ??? change carb settings?? better fuel?? change plug heat range?? (I run br9es) ....THXS guys!! 

New member
Well a lot of guys are against cans but if you like yours keep it. Sounds like jetting is off. Some one with more knowledge then me will chime in. What's your plug reading?
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
iPhone using the dreaded Crapatalk
Try turning your pilot screws in a little bit. I had the same problem when I had a can. I adjusted my pilots and got it taken care of.