Well put my srx 700 on the engine dyno and heres the numbers i came up with. Everything is stock except bender can and no air box. it dynoed at 86.1 ft/lbs of torque at 7900 rpm's and 134.2 HP at 8300 rpms. Jetting is still stock and dynoed inside a shop. The dyno I am using is a dynomite snowmobile engine dyno and just getting the trick on how to load the engine for readings.
I changed the cdi box and nothing else and got 89.5 ft/lbs of torque and 135.5 Hp at 8100 rpm's
Sled is a 2001 srx 700 asphalt sled and runs 99.6 mph and 6.71 secs in 660 ft and only has 11 passes.
I changed the cdi box and nothing else and got 89.5 ft/lbs of torque and 135.5 Hp at 8100 rpm's
Sled is a 2001 srx 700 asphalt sled and runs 99.6 mph and 6.71 secs in 660 ft and only has 11 passes.
Great info!
It would have been interesting if you had swapped the stock exhaust can back on...most people report a loss of hp with any after market can.
It would have been interesting if you had swapped the stock exhaust can back on...most people report a loss of hp with any after market can.

I'd like to see it with the airbox on as well. Are you running the dyno? The dyno operation plays into the equation as well.
+1. Let us know if you do.
Great info!
It would have been interesting if you had swapped the stock exhaust can back on...most people report a loss of hp with any after market can.
Active member
Put the stock can back on. It'll give you 1-2 track hp.
Active member
need air box and stock can bet you see more hp. 3:16 (yammie tony)
I will doing some more test this week and next week with air box on and off and also stock exaust. I have all the time I want on it which is nice. I am the operator of the dyno and it definitly takes time and practice with the load valve. I feel pretty good about the numbers posted but lets just say there's alot of dyno sheets sitting on my counter before those that are not realistic numbers from the dyno. The only thing that i found suprising was the torque at 7900 RPM's and HP at 8100 RPM's. You guys think with the air box you will make more hp?
I made more power on my 700 with the air box. Can't quote the numbers right off hand but it made more with it.
I will try the air box this week and stock exaust. I will post the numbers.
Hey Yammiegod3:16 are you running with the air box on your asphalt sled?
Active member
yes. airbox brings your jetting around and makes it alot more consistent. 6.58 was my best 1/8 at 100.18. 3:16 (yammie tony)
The 8100 is that the dyno tach or the sled? And how did the too tach's compare? Yes you would see more power with the stock can and you could jet it so you could leave the box off. Sitting still on the dyno the stock jetting is going to be rich.
What cdi did you try?Well put my srx 700 on the engine dyno and heres the numbers i came up with. Everything is stock except bender can and no air box. it dynoed at 86.1 ft/lbs of torque at 7900 rpm's and 134.2 HP at 8300 rpms. Jetting is still stock and dynoed inside a shop. The dyno I am using is a dynomite snowmobile engine dyno and just getting the trick on how to load the engine for readings.
I changed the cdi box and nothing else and got 89.5 ft/lbs of torque and 135.5 Hp at 8100 rpm's
Sled is a 2001 srx 700 asphalt sled and runs 99.6 mph and 6.71 secs in 660 ft and only has 11 passes.
New member
can you try a 600 cdi
That was the dyno tach and when I hook the tack wire to the sled the snowmobile tack stops working so I cant compare. I new the jetting would be rich I just dont have other jets to try write now. Trailanimal I cant try a 600 cdi I dont have one.
Active member
600 cdi wont work on a 01 srx. if your looking to increase timing on a 01 srx, get a 2002 viper cdi. remember increase jetting and octane 3:16 (yammie tony)
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The viper box is the one I used and dynoed.
Ok, should be intresting with stock can then.The viper box is the one I used and dynoed.
run the engine first to get the pipes hot, cool down the engine and retest with cool engine/ hot pipes, your torq band and peak rpm will come up to where its supposed to be.