01 srx 700 pulls hard


New member
Jan 17, 2014
do the srx seem to pull over harder.... I use to own a srx 600 n didn't seem to pull as hard as this 700. any suggestions or what not please help
I never had a 600 to compare it to but my 700s were never overly hard to pull over but I guess that's relative to the person doing the pulling. for reference my old mach z and my 780 srx are way harder to pull over. I see you're from Maine as well and it's been warm here so the cold isn't the factor. Unless the compression has been upped by a previous owner. where in Vacationland are you?
did a compression test and all 3 cylinders read about 120. and its im my garage in turner... the guy said that he had to pull atleast 30 times to get it started.... it just seems unusually hard to pullover. not act like its seized but major compression.
30 pulls to start, somethings not right with it. The SRX has a reputation of being a hard starter but when everything is tuned properly it shouldn't take 30 pulls. Left in the garage mine would start in 1-2 pulls. Outside on a normal Maine day 3-5 and on a super cold day maybe 5-10 pulls. Those are first starts of the day, after sitting overnight or longer. After the first start, 1 pull maybe 2.

As far as it being hard to pull, 120psi isn't above normal. It shouldn't be very hard to pull, maybe sitting outside cold until the oil gets moving. Try it with the plugs out, if it's still hard to pull then there is probably an issue.
started my SRX in 12 pulls yesterday..the best so far this season.Last time was around 30 pulls.Choke is adjusted properly as well,did the choke plunger mod to..sled in shed with no heat as well.
They can be alittle hard to pull when it's really cold. I'm talking - temps. I full choke it and slowly pull it 3 or 4 times to save my energy. Could be psychological, but seems to start easier.
I know they are suppose to run 135 psi new and 120 is normal wear. checked the cylinders when the head was off everything seemed good, cleaned the powervalves, carbs and what not. Im going to try to fire it up today to see what happens.
Might sound silly but if it is physically pulling hard check the routing of your recoil rope, might be dragging on or around something.
as klye suggested above. check the cable routing especially over the chaincase and make sure it's inside the clip that holds it away from the exhaust. they are hard to pull over when it's cold and especially after sitting out over night. i have removed the plugs before to loosen it up first and then started it. worked for me on those really cold mornings (-20 to -40 temps). otherwise it's usually 3-6 pulls and she fires right up.
Thanks everyone for the help it just needed a couple good pulls now it works fine. could anyone tell me where I could get oem decals for it with out going to the dealer?
