SRX riding today finally


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
well we gota lot of new snow this past week and a nice dumping of powder last night with no wind.Got to the Rivers and the snow is 6 to 8 inch's at least thick. Srx likes it more hard packed but it is what it is.On one river I opened it up on a long stretch which was untouched by any other sled.SRX rpm's were at 8400.As I climbed in speed up to 90 mph on the speedo the rpms were down to 8200.I know on hard pack she would be in around 8500-8600.A little harder on the clutch's but clutch's stayed cool.As I turned around and came back the long stretch..tried staying on my track I made and all of a sudden noticed I was heading into a wet zone,turned left quick and around it.Seems my first pass I nailed about 100 feet or so of slush under the damn snow.This is in the middle of the River.It was pretty wet in there and can't figure out why it isn't frozen there.Has been other years.
Then went along the Floodway system coming back home,was supposed to turn up the Floodway to the Right towards the end but ended up going straight and down into the high grass area where the snow is thick.Nailed it thru that up to the train tracks,circled around and pinned it thru again up the floodway.As I got to the top I really should of turned real sharp left to get back to the pathway.BUT had to slam the brake's on top as the one side of the Floodway is lined with rocks and boulders used to stop soil erosion during a Flood.Was on the edge of the cut off of rocks,now tried to swing back end of sled over but she is to heavy.Decided to take a chance and go down the Floodway which leads into a steep drainage ditch .Went down slow and then realized I really had to turn left and out of there or risk going all the way to the bottom and get buried.Turned and then realized the snow was thick(at least no rocks under it).The hood started to push snow and had an ugly feeling in my gut..I just pinned it to the bar and prayed..RPM started to drop as the motor was struggling to turn the track in this deep loose snow.Thought the motor was going blow for a second..but held it pinned.At one point I really thought I was screwed as the sled nearly slowed to a stop..snow over my hood..I held her.It sure felt like my belt was sucked down quickly and thus dropping my rpm's likewise.I have total stock set up in the clutch's.I thought it should of really kept the 8500 rpm's as secondary sense's the load at the track and backshifts. Instead motor was being lugged down.My SXR will backshift nicely in deep snow and maintain the rpm's. I am certain the SRX track was spinning so fast it was dropping the belt to quick,like going into 4th gear from 2nd..Was happy at least I didn't have to walk home.All in all the little 700 brought me home again without a breakdown..damn tripple motor keeps on
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good thing I was doing 90 across it then..wouldn't want to slow down and stop in the damn yes SRX's are like a sub in not perfect conditions.I will be running my long track SXR tomorrow and nail all this snow that the SRX can't ride in well...
good thing I was doing 90 across it then..wouldn't want to slow down and stop in the damn yes SRX's are like a sub in not perfect conditions.I will be running my long track SXR tomorrow and nail all this snow that the SRX can't ride in well...

another nice story from the bluemonster lolll
good thing I was doing 90 across it then..wouldn't want to slow down and stop in the damn yes SRX's are like a sub in not perfect conditions.I will be running my long track SXR tomorrow and nail all this snow that the SRX can't ride in well...

I have a had a few close calls with the whole "sub-marine SRX" Last spring we were out getting one last ride in. I was on a 99 SRX 700. Being spring the trails were either ICE or standing water.....on ICE! A lot of off trail dinking around in 2ft of wet tacky snow. Had ben hitting water puddles all day, had ben running only a couple inches at most. Come up to the biggest puddle (small pond) and actually doubled back, flagged down the girlfriend on the SxR...was wise enough to tell her to go around this one. I hit it running about 60, was all good at I lost speed the water was deep enough it was coming over the hood up the windshield and DIRECTLY into my face! Still not sure how it did drown the motor but pulled out the other side....wetter and wiser. Rode the 45 miles home.
Those are some close calls guys. A lot of people die drowning in that freezing water. Keep it safe and stay above the water !!
well we gota lot of new snow this past week and a nice dumping of powder last night with no wind.Got to the Rivers and the snow is 6 to 8 inch's at least thick. Srx likes it more hard packed but it is what it is.On one river I opened it up on a long stretch which was untouched by any other sled.SRX rpm's were at 8400.As I climbed in speed up to 90 mph on the speedo the rpms were down to 8200.I know on hard pack she would be in around 8500-8600.A little harder on the clutch's but clutch's stayed cool.As I turned around and came back the long stretch..tried staying on my track I made and all of a sudden noticed I was heading into a wet zone,turned left quick and around it.Seems my first pass I nailed about 100 feet or so of slush under the damn snow.This is in the middle of the River.It was pretty wet in there and can't figure out why it isn't frozen there.Has been other years.
Then went along the Floodway system coming back home,was supposed to turn up the Floodway to the Right towards the end but ended up going straight and down into the high grass area where the snow is thick.Nailed it thru that up to the train tracks,circled around and pinned it thru again up the floodway.As I got to the top I really should of turned real sharp left to get back to the pathway.BUT had to slam the brake's on top as the one side of the Floodway is lined with rocks and boulders used to stop soil erosion during a Flood.Was on the edge of the cut off of rocks,now tried to swing back end of sled over but she is to heavy.Decided to take a chance and go down the Floodway which leads into a steep drainage ditch .Went down slow and then realized I really had to turn left and out of there or risk going all the way to the bottom and get buried.Turned and then realized the snow was thick(at least no rocks under it).The hood started to push snow and had an ugly feeling in my gut..I just pinned it to the bar and prayed..RPM started to drop as the motor was struggling to turn the track in this deep loose snow.Thought the motor was going blow for a second..but held it pinned.At one point I really thought I was screwed as the sled nearly slowed to a stop..snow over my hood..I held her.It sure felt like my belt was sucked down quickly and thus dropping my rpm's likewise.I have total stock set up in the clutch's.I thought it should of really kept the 8500 rpm's as secondary sense's the load at the track and backshifts. Instead motor was being lugged down.My SXR will backshift nicely in deep snow and maintain the rpm's. I am certain the SRX track was spinning so fast it was dropping the belt to quick,like going into 4th gear from 2nd..Was happy at least I didn't have to walk home.All in all the little 700 brought me home again without a breakdown..damn tripple motor keeps on

Seems like you still have a thing or two to learn about clutching. You could set up your clutches so it won't lug down as bad in deep snow. The first years after I got the SRX, I used it for trails as well as a little deeper snow without being lugged down. Now I often got stuck, but not due to lack of track power, that's for sure.
well I usually don't want to ride in the powder snow to much with the SRX.It is clutched for hard pack.But this season I decided I am not going to wrench at all on clutch's.Just gonna ride and basically just wanted to get the SRX out because have hardly any miles on it this season and it was a nice day.90% of the riding would usually be on hard pack,10% as it seems will be in this powder.I could start to remove clutchs and re do..but frankly I don't feel like it..just want to ride.Same with the is clutched perfect for the powder at 8500 rpms wot..but on hard pack it will climb to 8900.
Suppose I could wind the secondary to 90 for this powder snow and won't get the belt dropping down so quick with the SRX..thanks for the compliment on my story
GOOD to hear all you need now is some SNOW..I see your temps out there are mild.We are the coldest in Canada today,come on down with your
WE still have some snow here but i dont do mutch trail just playing on bay and river

Just curious. Did you resolve your problem with your track, Rub somewhere and hard To move ?
Our snow is disappearing fast. it was great a week ago... when it was -30! But as soon as it warmed up temps went to above 0 and now there are a lot of bare spots showing and any snow left is pretty much ice. You're lucky you have that snow Blue, enjoy!
Our snow is disappearing fast. it was great a week ago... when it was -30! But as soon as it warmed up temps went to above 0 and now there are a lot of bare spots showing and any snow left is pretty much ice. You're lucky you have that snow Blue, enjoy!
crazy are more North and should have a lot of snow,been a weird winter for as lot of areas.They don't call us Winterpeg for nothing you know.Lots of riding left here,hopefully to April like last year.We are the coldest in Canada right now to..go figure..
