What a weekend...


New member
Jan 19, 2011
So we made our way to the u.p. this weekend. Where to start...the drive up was horrible people just don't know how to drive any more. Then we get to motel and that is where the real fun begins. The motel has a gas station at the bottom of the hill, bear den, if anyone knows where I'm talking. We buzz down there after we unload the ole srx was running real good sounded great. Well as we are leaving the pumps I got about a third of the way back to the room and BOOM that was the primary. Got lucky found a used one in the Soo, used and threw it in. Now we are getting on the trail about the hours late. So we take off riding everything was awesome, again. About two hours into the trip I start smelling gas bad. Guess what that was... yup my fuel line to the exhaust side carb. After sitting on the side of the trail, while my dad rode into town to get some fuel line, we got it fixed. Everything felt awesome, again, until... about four miles down the trail I came out a corner got on throttle left off for next corner throttle stuck wide open. Now I figured the throttle cable was too tight after messing with the air box, NOT MY LUCK. What had happened was, the little plastic clip that holds on the spring to the choke rod busted and became wedged in between the throttle cable and assembly. Got that out then realized we had to figure out a way to hold the choke rod in place.
After all this I still love the shit out of this sled yea it is 16 years old but damn it I love it.
My question is what type of stuff do I need to look into, now I will be replacing all fuel lines and the plastic clip on choke rod. What other plastic should I be looking at four dry rot?
Thanks in advance
Yikes, I've known people that gave up the sport for less reasons that what you went thru. Glad your still with us lol.

As for what other parts to look for, I can't think if any right now besides what your replacing. I've never had any of those incidents happen to me since I bought mine.

Just curious, was your TORS jumped to bypass it? May want to plug it back in.
Sounds like a typical trip for me ;)!

I would buy a new sled, but I tend to wreck them or roll them down a hill into a tree. :whine:

Builds far more character to keep the old sleds running.
You might want to have a look at the coolant hose that goes to the waterpump.They tend to rub a hole thru right behind the bracket that is supposed to stop this.I removed the bracket and left it off.It is attatched to the recoil bolt.
You might want to have a look at the coolant hose that goes to the waterpump.They tend to rub a hole thru right behind the bracket that is supposed to stop this.I removed the bracket and left it off.It is attatched to the recoil bolt.

X2 I did exactly the same thing when I rebuild mine. That bracket don't do it's job. Just remove it and while you are there check the other coolant hoses around the engine, I got a couple ones that were rubbing.
I should have known the stuff was starting to dry rot when at the beginning of the season my air filter was crumbling. But I guess hindsight is 20/20. So, the fuel lines will be replaced along with the plastic stays for the choke rod and the coolant lines anything else? And no I will never get rid of the srx I will ride that thing till it goes out in a blaze of glory. Yea the new ones are nice but I don't have 12 grand sitting around.
