Question about fuel pump


New member
Nov 24, 2004
mid west MI
I have a question for those that have had their fuel pump apart. Is there any clear plastic in there?

Reason for the question. I'm trying to diagnose a stalling problem on a stock 04 Viper. It stalls while at speed. First time happened about 250 miles into the season. It lost power at about 40mph & died. After sitting about 2 minutes, fired right back up. Ran good for another few miles & did it again. It has now done it numerous times at various throttle settings & speeds. Sometimes I can go 30 miles, sometimes only 2.

It has had 2 different tanks of gas since the first time, & I added gas treatment. Have taken the carbs apart & they appear clean, even the screen under the bowls. I am cleaning them again. Filter appears clean, but I will change that as well.

I took the fuel pump partially apart. I did not remove the diaphragms. But I did find a small piece of clear plastic. If it was whole, it would be about the size of a dime, but there is only about a quarter of it there. It reminds me of the seal of a bottle of something, you know how you have to pull the top off to make it pour? But I have no idea how it got in there. Again, I didn't pull the pump completely apart, only enough to see the 3 different sections. I have had the sled since new, & this pump has never been apart or replaced.

The sled has about 6,500 miles on it. Any other thoughts of what to look for? Something electrical? I feel it's fuel related, as when it restarts, it stumbles a bit until it gets enough gas in the carbs, then it's fine for a while.

Any help or input would be appreciated.
