From what I understand the srx 600 has a bit more timing than the 700 and the 98/99 srx 700 can use the 600 cdi. Does it produce any significant results in speed or drag runs. Right now I'm jetted pretty rich 150,150,152.5, and also have unlimited supply of 100 LL Aviation fuel. Would I require more octane than the non oxygenated 91 I use right now? How about jetting? Thanks fellas
Active member
That is rich, is your engine stock?
I've got a mildly ported engine, cold air kit but I left the air box dividers in place, v force 2 reeds, bender can, and I use the 00-02 srx 700 plugs br9ecs
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Active member
i would say so. i am a huge supporter of timing for racing only. you have good fuel and have increased jetting. 3:16 (yammie tony)
Yammiegod do u think I should run 91 and 100 LL av gas mixed 50/50? I'd think straight av gas might hurt performance?
Active member
600 box is hot. i would use 50-50, but keep a good eye on things. wash, plugs. 3:16 (yammie tony)