SRX700 Issues


New member
Jan 25, 2014
Chalk River Ontario
Hey guys,

I'm having some trouble with my SRX 700. It's a 2000 with the ohlins. It has just over 10,000km (6000 mi.) on it. I bought it this past fall and it seemed to only need a few things to get her going. New sliders and a couple bearings and a carb clean. I have a friend with a viper, and he gave some guidance, along with this forum. My sled ran fine before Christmas. It had some issues with fouling up the plugs, but I got that figured out when I read up on how to properly warm up the sled. I've been out a few times since Christmas and I fouled a plug pretty early in a long-ish ride. I didn't have any spares, so I just kept going. I got home, swapped out the plug, made sure I had spares in sled and everything was fine again.

We had some warm weather, so I decided to clean my power valves. Everything seemed to be fine, and I tuned them up according to the method on this forum. I have been out a couple times since, and for some reason I can't get above 120km/h (65mph). I spent all this morning trying to figure it out. I swapped out all the plugs, I pulled apart the power valves and re-adjusted them. For some reason My sled hits a wall around 110 km/h and won't go faster. I've gone 140km/h and 160km/h down the same trails before, but my SRX doesn't seem to want to do that anymore. I still seem to have the power that I used to from 0-80 km/h. I've seen the tach hit 9000 rpm. but when I get on her, the rpm will jump to 9000, the clutch will do it's thing, and the tach will read 8000 rpm all the way up to 110 km/h. Then it just stays there. And it is burning a lot of fuel. I went from 3/4 tank to 1/8 today while I was trying to figure out what was wrong. I did less than 25km, so obviously I'm burning waaay too much for the distance i'm going.

The Yamaha dealer near here is swamped and can't see my sled for over a week to see if i did anything wrong in my maintenance/adjustments. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on which part I should look at next?


I haven't yet, but I seem to be getting a decent spark. The plugs look like they should after driving around. Do you think that new caps would make the difference at higher rpm?
I've read alot of posts on here about bad plug caps and they can make the sled do some funny things. Wouldn't be a bad idea to throw some new ones on there. I used the NGK TB05EMA caps, fairly cheap too, I paid around $5 each.
I haven't touched the reeds yet. They usually last longer than 10,000km though. I really have no idea what the guy before me did for maintenance/repairs so I'm assuming pretty much everything is original.
also check clutchs for binding..probably a good idea to update the bushing in them.Check weights for wear and their bushings.Along with that check clutch alignment and your belt,ramp buttons in the 2ndary as well should be checked.
Another thing is to see what is in the clutch's..have things been changed..see if everything is stock form.
Hey Jason,

As per our discussion yesterday. Lift the back end of the sled up and ensure that it engages properly and revs to roughly 9500rpm when you punch it. If that works then get the track rolling at 30 mph and punch it again to see if it hits 9500rpm. If this works i would say your clutches are okay.

If the clutches test work I would try the following things on the engine:

- Is the air box full of snow or anything that would impeded air flow.
- Are the carbs clean and adjusted properly (Air fuel screw, etc… This might be the reason why your fouling your plugs all the time)
- Oil cable adjustment (Make sure your not pouring insane amount of oil into the engine which would kill power)
- Compression check all 3 cal
- Pull all 3 plugs and reinstall the caps. Pull the engine over and see if all three spark plug have the same amount of spark
- Check the technical walkthrough site and look for anything related to resistance in the coil pack. (You might be getting spark but not enough spark)
- Visually inspect the reed valves and make sure their not broken or full of junk
- Remove the exhaust pipes and make sure that the baffles within the pipes are okay.

Try all of this and report back.

Don't give up yet.
