7 flashes on start up after I give it a shot of gas.


New member
Feb 3, 2008
North Bay, Ontario
Hey Guys,

I have a 2001 SRX that had two pulled through valves. I got them fixed and adjusted tonight and was leaving my dads garage, after start up it gave the normal 3 flashes but I notice after I gave it a shot of gas it flashed again 7 or 8 times. The sled runs good and I drove it over to my house, lots of power like the valves are working good.

I have checked the fault codes and don't see any thing there with that many flashes.

Let me know what you guys thing it could be. The only thing I could think would be the valves are to tight and the servo motor isn't working correct? That is my guess.


In the manual on the page that talks about power valve tuning (in the flow chart), it says that 7 flashes in 5 seconds means that the power valves might be stuck in the fully closed or half open position. It may also indicate a faulty servo motor.
Thanks Jason, I will check the valves again tomorrow.

Your from Chalk River, My brother lives in that area. works at the plant. Sheldon Lance.
I re-adjusted my valves this morning but I am still getting the seven flashes on start up after i give it a shot of gas. The servo motor is turning when I choke the motor out to get the valves wide open so I don't think it is that.

Anyone have any suggestions?

I re-adjusted my valves this morning but I am still getting the seven flashes on start up after i give it a shot of gas. The servo motor is turning when I choke the motor out to get the valves wide open so I don't think it is that.

Anyone have any suggestions?


Your "after a shot of gas" is what exactly? When giving unclear info on an unclear question your going to end up with unclear answers. Do you need to give it a shot of gas prior to starting? Or you start it rev it up with shot of gas and then get 7 flashes? Are you getting 3 flashes when it starts? The 7 steady flashes is the power valve servo fault code, when its triggered it will just keep flashing it out...entire time sled is running. There is a similar flash pattern that's a random/stray voltage from what I read. The flashes are like a morse code and you need to know exactly the flashes and pasues between flashes to decode what sled is telling you.
Your "after a shot of gas" is what exactly? When giving unclear info on an unclear question your going to end up with unclear answers. Do you need to give it a shot of gas prior to starting? Or you start it rev it up with shot of gas and then get 7 flashes? Are you getting 3 flashes when it starts? The 7 steady flashes is the power valve servo fault code, when its triggered it will just keep flashing it out...entire time sled is running. There is a similar flash pattern that's a random/stray voltage from what I read. The flashes are like a morse code and you need to know exactly the flashes and pasues between flashes to decode what sled is telling you.

Ok so exactly what is happening is I start the sled and I get the normal 3 flashes. I then give it a shot of gas (hit the throttle quick) to rev up the engine and I get 7 very quick flashes after that I never get any flashes until I restart the sled and do it all over again.

I have re-adjusted the valves again but still getting the same flashes.

The servo motor still turns when I turn the choke on and let the RPM's drop down under 900RPM's

Also sometimes when i first start the sled I have not speedometer, tack (RPM's), or lights until the sled warms up. This only ever happens on really cold.

Thanks for the help!

for your light trouble u got a load control relay that probably have moisture in it ......its the blue one ...put the relay on your home heater grill
for your light trouble u got a load control relay that probably have moisture in it ......its the blue one ...put the relay on your home heater grill

Thanks Modsrx, Where do I find this relay? Sorry not the best mechanic. Still learning lots about this sled. Thanks!!
at your left foot ....

Just above left foot well. Behind the cowling. Remove a couple Phillips head screws and you should be able to get to it. Delay in lights/tach is definitely load control relay. Designed to divert all power to ignition system at start up, known to hang for a few seconds when its real cold. Getting yours dried out or swapped may fix your other issue.
Just above left foot well. Behind the cowling. Remove a couple Phillips head screws and you should be able to get to it. Delay in lights/tach is definitely load control relay. Designed to divert all power to ignition system at start up, known to hang for a few seconds when its real cold. Getting yours dried out or swapped may fix your other issue.

Thanks Guys, I will give that a try and dry out the relay. Any idea on the other problem? (seven flashes on start up) read post above please. I am going to try and re-adjust the valves again and see what happens.

I think I am going to need some new power valve cables because they're at there max for tightening them. DANG power valves argggg...

if they are at the maximum i think u did something wrong about setting them ....probably why u got the code ...motor try to pull them but they are already open at max ..not sure how u did to adjust them
Any idea on the other problem? (seven flashes on start up) read post above please. I am going to try and re-adjust the valves again and see what happens.

I think I am going to need some new power valve cables because they're at there max for tightening them. DANG power valves argggg...


Now you have went the other way, earlier posts were you were getting 3 flashes (good to go) and then 7-8 after a rev up. Now its "seven flashes on start up"???? If its the 7 flash for "discontinuity to servo motor" (servo not working due to A. Bad servo motor B.Bad wires to servo motor) it will continually re-peat. Is yours re-peating? If valves are too tight servo cant turn (over time will pull threw valves) and may trigger a non-re-peating code. There is also a similar flash pattern for "random/stray voltage" If this is your issue the faulty load relay could be triggering it. You need to fix one thing at a time when dealing with things that may be related.
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if they are at the maximum i think u did something wrong about setting them ....probably why u got the code ...motor try to pull them but they are already open at max ..not sure how u did to adjust them

X2. With servo fully open it parked position (idle below 900 rpm or jumper method) You need 2.5 mm gap in housing. If servo is "twitching/fluttering" with idle below 900 rpm the cables are already to tight and servo cant "park" itself.
