If you can pull the puller out far enough to get some water in between the puller threads and the ID of the clutch hub, you can tip the sled on its' side and fill the cavity with water, leaving enough threads to screw the puller back into the clutch. Wrap some teflon tape around the puller threads to keep the water sealed inside, and then thread the puller back into the clutch, and tip the sled back down. When the puller pushes against the water it is the same effect as the puller (a good one) pushing against the crank. If the clutch still doesn't pop off even if you've cranked down on the the puller, set the sled in the freezing weather overnight and the water will turn to ice and pop the clutch off, laying in your belly pan in the morning.
Seems I've read a few of the other bent clutch puller posts, so there may be other ideas as well with a quick search.
Good luck!