Yamaha Parts Inverntory Website?

To my knowledge one doesn't exist. Unfortunately you'll have to call a dealership with those numbers and hope the parts puts is swift enough to know how to do a search at other dealerships. They can all do it, but you'll usually have to ask.
One time, I called the Yamaha 800 number and asked if she could look for a model in my area and she asked how far did I want to travel and she told me which dealers had them on inventory ! How nice would that be for an on-line search for parts and model inventory.
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dealer can search thru the dealership computer for current part numbered items and in which warehouse they are and how many ... discontinued part numbers ..he puts in the part number and if another dealer has it in stock and parts man is checking that site he can punch in on his inventory to see if he has it and get back to the dealer looking if he has it. that was the way it was done back when i was parts manager as far as new units... yamaha can find any unsold units that are thru the financed dealers.. but if that dealer paid cash then i dont believe they could unless they search the warranty end of the unit to see if the warranty had started
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Doesn't even pay to ask my closest dealer. If its more than 2 years old they've never heard of it... maybe a good one will find this post...
