I have a 2004 viper s hand warmers work but not smoking hot. Is there a fix for this or replace them with something else ? Thank you for the help.
There's a thread going now and I believe it's in this forum about grips but the gist of it was to take your leads from the grips and wire them to the wiring harness leads in parallel instead of in series like they are from the factory.You do this using bullet connectors and making a couple of Y connectors .I did this to my 01 SRX and I just tried it yesterday,with it idling in my shed the grips definitely get hot now.Of course the first thing you should do is ohm out your grips to make sure your issue isn't a matter of the internal elements being out of spec or burnt out all together.
New member
My grips don't get hot hot until my RPMs rise. At idle or lower RPMs, they are only warm.
Does any body advise awitching the wiring around ?
Here's the thread on wiring if you want to read up on it.