I wasn't sure what to title this thread but it's really just to get some opinions on the fuel pump swap to help with the hard start issues.I have read that guys have put an SX-R pump on and it seemed to cure their starting issues,well I got bored and looked up some part numbers and other than the prefix they have identical part numbers.The SRX has 8DF prefix where the SX-R is 8CH,so this leads me to think that they are basically the same pump but it would be worth finding out if there's a l/hr difference.If there isn't any pumping differences between the 2 pumps then perhaps the issues guys are having with their SRX pump is that it's internals are wore and it's not working as efficiently as it used to and when they change it for another used pump they are just getting lucky in that it's not in as worn condition?
Which leads me to another question and that is I wonder why Yamaha doesn't offer a rebuild kit for the fuel pump?Surely they don't expect it to last the life of the sled without being rebuilt?But I guess the answer to that is they would rather sell a complete pump for more money.
What about changing the pulse/vacuum line going to the base?Has anybody experimented with a new line to see if it would make a difference?If it is indeed a vacuum issue then maybe the reeds aren't sealing well enough or the piston rings are leaking by. Just some food for thought.
Which leads me to another question and that is I wonder why Yamaha doesn't offer a rebuild kit for the fuel pump?Surely they don't expect it to last the life of the sled without being rebuilt?But I guess the answer to that is they would rather sell a complete pump for more money.
What about changing the pulse/vacuum line going to the base?Has anybody experimented with a new line to see if it would make a difference?If it is indeed a vacuum issue then maybe the reeds aren't sealing well enough or the piston rings are leaking by. Just some food for thought.
New member
I agree, it's too bad there are no rebuild kits for the fuel pump! I've also checked for an aftermarket kit. No luck. Best thing to do would be to keep a brand new pump in stock if you plan on keeping the sled!