after market ski kill top speed??


New member
Jan 4, 2011
manitowoc, wi
I installed a new set of slydog skies on my 00 srx. It feel like I lost 5 or more mph on the big end with these skies? Has any one else experienced this??

I was wondering the same thing as I picked up a set if SLP Tripple Threats but didn't mount them yet. When I do, I was going to do it on the lake where I'd make a couple top speed runs before and after the swap. That way there's alot less variables to mess around with…… temp, snow conditions, etc.
The sly dogs have a very aggressive keel. They bite real hard in the corners and the keel design runs under the snow when your on trail. It may feel like you are havin to push it through the snow when the trails are soft. They are great in powder, which is what they were designed for.
i put a set of after market ones with a big keel and lost almost 10 kph. mind you i did also let the limiters out as well
Well did a little test last night on hard pack trails and did not loose any speed via speedo between stock skies and slydogs. In loose snow may be different? But slydogs are coming off my srx because of hard steering compared to stockers. I have a mono shock skid and it puts down a lot of ski pressure witch I think is most of the problem. Stock skies still carve corners but do dart a little. I may try dual carbides.
