Sc4 suspension in 700srx


New member
Jan 12, 2014
La Crescent, Minnesota, United States
I'm wondering if anyone has put a sc4 skidoo skid in any of the 97 or newer Yamaha's? i was told that it wouldn't work because its a forward ride skid? to me that don't seem right, i cant really see what the difference would be. but im not real smart with this stuff, i leave that to my dad and brother. I'm trying to get a nice ride on the trails on my 98 srx 700, everyone know they don't have much for a skid.
Thanks for you time and info!!
to be honest that sc4 skid operates amazing because of the chassis it is in, its only a little bit better riding then the sc3. If i was you i would shoot for a edge skid, easy install, cheap parts and easy to find parts. Plus they work awesome and are in similar style chassis sleds that we have. Thats my honest opinion but if you do a search in google or something there has been a few people that put sc3 skids in vipers and srx which are pretty close but not exact. Going to have to find a donor sled to measure correctly to work properly in your sled.
it would give me a little more travel to absorb some of the back breaking bumps i would think though, and the reason im thinking of going with the sc4 is because we just stripped as sled out with one in it. thank you for your thoughts, very much appreciated!

Track side down
I've put numerous SC10III's from REV chassis sleds into proaction sleds and they work just fine. If you have the sled right there that the skid came from all you have to do is get all the measurements from the tunnel of the doo and transfer them to your sled
I installed a sc-5 from a 2008 XP and it works very well. The install was fairly easy. The rear mount is in the factory steel plate and I used 1/8" plate steel to reinforce the front mount. My no action skid is scrap metal to me now, the Sc-5 is that good.
