Picked up a pair of vipers


Jan 30, 2014
Foxhome MN
New to the forum. Done a lot of searching around here and answered a lot of my questions.

I picked up a 2002 SX Viper Mtn Mod
It had no expense spared on this thing! Peak Performance head, billet primary cover, bender pipes, bender porting, ekholm tunel and 151 skid, NOS, team secondary, clear light weight hood, and more that I haven't found yet. I picked this sled up for $2500, runs great.... BUT..... its set up for Wyoming and high octane. I ordered new domes from Peak so I can run it on pump gas here in MN (1000ft), been researching jetting on here to get a base line to get close for doing plug chop. Waiting for my clutch puller so I can inspect the primary and see what it has for springs and weights. So far with the jetting I'm going to put my needles at 3.5, I have 45 pilots (thinking of throwing in 50s) and 162.5 mains in all three.

The other is a 2003 SX Viper that had been pretty well modified also. I found a post here about it from the guy I got it from, it has thrown a couple of rods through cases (center rod). Has anyone ever heard of putting an Apex primary on a Viper? This sled had a Hauck 900 in it, and I will have all the parts to rebuild that. It has a Pro X rear skid in it, the running boards are custom made off of a Pro X also. This sled is VERY clean. It needs a motor and ski's and it would be an amazing ditch sled for up here. I'm wondering if the Apex clutch was causing some extra stress on the crank? I'm debating on what to do for a motor on this, its in no big rush to get running as I have the mountain mod also. More of a summer project. I have a full set of SLP Pipes that came with also.

So chime in and help me straighten out my very confusing bouncing everywhere 1st post.
apex primary is no differnt other then the spider is relieved to clear the 4 strokes weights, but you obviously wont be using those so it will make no differance.
Would it be worth rebuilding that 900? From what I found on the forums its not a very popular motor.

Any tips on dialing in that mountain mod?

These are my first Yamaha snowmobiles. Really looking forward to building the 03 into an awesome ditch sled.
So got the primary off and looking it over. It has 8DN-10 with two brass color rivets. Total weight of 46.2g

Spring is black with the markings missing. Talked to someone who knows more about the history of this sled says it should be white-white-white.

Haven't had a chance to get into the secondary.

Any suggestions on weights?


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Can anyone inform me on running an opticool head gasket on the Peak Performance head (made by Mountain Performance Inc)?
sure someone will correct me if im wrong but the gasket should not be needed when using the peak head. also think the peak uses orings like the srx style heads instead of a gasket.
apex primary is no differnt other then the spider is relieved to clear the 4 strokes weights, but you obviously wont be using those so it will make no differance.
I thought there was a difference in some pins? Pins that hold the weights and rollers are 9 mm instead of 8? Or was it the old v-maxes that had 8 mm and the srx-sx-sxv have 9 mm?
So I have a set of 8EK-00 that weigh 47.8g I'm going to be trying. Jetting is at 162.5 PTO 165 Mid and 165 Mag. Pilots are 45s with air screw at 2 3/4 out. Needles 4th from the top.
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Any body able to help me out with a way to change the ski stance without having to replace all the control arms?
It has the Mountain Performance Inc light weight trailing arms.
I want to get it wider for local riding. Get it more stable in the ditches.
Any suggestion for a good Mn ditch track? I have heard ok about ripsaw 1.75 but heard xc pro 1.75 is better. Will a 1.75 fit under a viper with a pro x rear skid?

I do mainly ditch/river riding with lake/trail often.
Sounds like you have a couple of fun sleds there, other than the issues with the big motor but that can be resolved. Might want to post up the mountain related questions in the Mountain Sled Talk section, more of a targeted audience.
Mountain mod is being parted out. Transplanted the motor into the shorty.

The shorty has a trail track on it and looking to set it up more for ditch riding.
Yeah, my bad. I saw all the references to the mountain sled and thought you were still dabbling in both of them. I'll climb back into my hole now...
I've never dealt with the deeper lug tracks much so I can't advise on them, but I recall from reading on here that 1.25" +/- lug might be about all that will fit and work ok with a stock Viper tunnel/drivers. As the lug height increases there are issues with clearance to the front heat exchanger (& guards, remove?), and also the snow packs up in the tunnel and won't clear out properly. You may have parts in your mountain sled to cure all of this though. Run a search here on the lug height, drivers, & snow pack subjects and you should find all kinds of info to help. You may want to surf the Mountain section anyway for info on 1.75" track performance/recommendations, and chassis fit. The pro x skid should work as long as it's for the same length track, and installed in the proper location, may need drop brackets if not already in place, again back to the search.
Thanks for replying! :D from what I found 1.75 will fit with 8 tooth drivers. Confirming that I have that in the morning but I think I'm going to go with the backcountry.

I've read some mixed reviews on the backcountry for durability, but what I've read on it in good reviews I think I'm going to gamble and try it.
