2000 SRX 700 head/gasket issues?


New member
Feb 17, 2010
I've been working on this gentleman's sleds for about 5 years now. When I first got them the SRX had a different colored head on the clutch cylinder, just a different shade of blue than the other 2. I assumed that this was due to an issue with the stock head and the off color one was a replacement. After questioning the guy about it, turns out there was indeed issues with the clutch side cylinder twice in the past where the cylinder burned down. He says the repairs were made by the dealer. He didn't know if they used a replacement head or not.

Anywhoo.... I completely rebuilt the engine 2 summers ago due to a catastrophic failure the winter before. I believe it was a major overheating issue, as the owner said just before the sled died it blew the coolant tank cap off of the tank. All three pistons where damaged, clutch cylinder was completely trashed, middle cylinder not as bad as the first and third cylinder not as bad as the middle. Last winter was the first miles on the new engine.

He just brought me the sleds for servicing, and when I pulled the spark plugs on the SRX to take a look at them I noticed antifreeze on and inside of the clutch side spark plug.

When I rebuilt it, the heads were checked for warpage and corrected if needed. IIRC all three heads were machined just enough to clean them up and make them flat again.

I'll be tearing into this machine later today and I would really like to permanently correct the issue with the clutch cylinder. Any help would be greatly appreciated if anyone of you has had similar issues.

I'll post my findings once I get into the cylinder and see what damage or clues I may find.

Thanks in advance guys!

ETA/ Update: Got the head off and the cylinder looks fine. Very small amount of coolant in the exhaust pipe.
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The thermostat stuck shut when it blew the cap off.Could the deck of the jug be warped I don't know myself if that's possible.
Yeah, sounds like that sled have a coolant flow issiue? If something gets warped (to hot) there's a reson for it. I would check thermostat and waterpump operation.
Didn't some of these sled's have thermostat problems? I think i've read about it..? I to have a -00 srx and never had a problem with overheating. Seems like this sled's problem
goes back some year's..?
OP edited to add findings upon head removal.

I'll have to do some digging and find my records for this sled and see if I changed out the thermostat when I rebuilt it. Typically I would whether it appeared to be the problem or not, considering it overheated.
as soon as those coolant reservoirs overheat once - they egg (warp) at the cover. this warping causes a pressure issue (loss) and causes the coolant to overheat at a lower temp.

Change out to new reservoir and cap.

I am just learning here and I may be off on this - but I have learned this recently on my "issues" this winter.
Some guys have had issues with corrosion on head/jug causing O-ring to leak, not being correctly torqued head bolts will play into this as well.
