Bent ski spindle on SRX


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
My son hit a rock or something today and bent the right side ski spindle so I'm looking to pick on up but want to know what all will fit the SRX trailing arm and are they side specific?I understand that the Vipers use a taller ski spindle so that rules them out but are the SX-R's the same?
I appreciate the quick reply and thanks for the info but there's a guy her in NB that parts out Yamaha sleds that I've got parts from in the past so I'll check with him,if he doesn't have any I'll be sure to hit you up.
I would also like to know if there's any way to get the 2 small bushings out of where the collar goes through?I just put brand new ones in there in the fall and hate the thoughts of tossing them away.
