Bar risers, how high?


New member
Dec 6, 2011

I was doing some searching and couldn't come up with a good answer so I apologize if this topic has been beaten to death. I have a 99' SRX 600. I really like the sled and mostly use it for trail/lake riding. I want to raise my bars to a good height that it is comfortable to stand up through the trails occasionaly. I am 5' 7, does anyone have any advise, I was thinking about going with 6" 30° risers, will that be to big for what I am looking for?

6" with stock bars will be pretty big. I did what would be about 4" higher then stock and its perfect as i am also 5'7". Going any higher then 3" with stock bars you will have to change brake line, throttle and oil cable. But you will like the rise for sure. I was ok with the 3" untill i put a boss seat on then i wanted just a hair higher. I also chaged to apex bars and when with a 1 1/2 pivot riser and 6"block. This comes out to be about 4" higher then stock bars.
to high for your height. think a rox 3.5" riser would do nice and your stock cables are "just" long enough if you run em through the airbox
Thanks for the help guys. This may be a stupid question but what do you mean when you say "through" the airbox?
under the top foam piece there should be a slot. Fit the cables in through here instead of up and over the foam
I have 6" and Pro Taper 1-1/8" bars with the cr hi bend. I needed all new cables (mtn viper) and I purchased a braided brake hose. I like the added width on the pro tapers, and it feels pretty decent to ride both standing and sitting, im 5'8".
Thanks for the help, I think I will try a 3 or 4 inch rise and some mtn max cables.

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That's what I was planning is the rsi 4 inch risers and I will make sure to use the nth viper cables. Thans again for all the help

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