knocking sound in rear skid srx 700


New member
Feb 3, 2012
Quebec, Canada
I was wondering if anyone ever had this problem before, while I was riding at wot, nearly at top speed +/- 95 miles an hour, I heard a light knoking sound from the rear suspension. I have gone through the pro action skid and have a new 1.5 track. It's been ajusted so it doesn't slip off jackshaft on full acceleration so I think it is not coming from there. It is also centered to the best of my knowledge. The rear shock is from a rx-1 so a bit longer travel. It doesn't bind and is well greased. The front ''W'' is reinforced and in good condition. Bushings are ok but not new (future upgrade). Jackshaft bearings and all wheels changed or gone through. What could be causing this? Any suggestions?:sled2:
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is a constant sound altered by the speed (most likely caused by track or wheels) or caused by hitting bumps quickly (bushings, transfer rods, etc..) Hard to tell without hearing it in person. Have you tried lifting the rear of the sled (using a stand or hanging from a rope) and running the sled up to speed?
It does it only at high speeds and not always. I think that it might have something to do with the transfer rod, but don't understand why it would do it only at higher speeds. No noise or vibrations when altering speed. I will try hanging it and running it in the air might get me somewhere. I was mistaken on the track size it is 1.25 and not 1.5. so I don't think it is rubbing on the front heat exchanger. I'll do a thorough inspection before the nice ride and see what it could be from there as it was snow packed on my last arrival. The trails were quite bumpy on my last run after a small snow fall and no grooming. Thanks
I've found the possible source of my knocking problem! Last year I had a catastrophic suspension failure when the ''W'' broke in many pieces, took out the front shock and tornout the track in two. I rebuilt the skid using parts from a RX-1 (shocks, ''W'', wheels, etc.). What I didn't notice is the ''W'' on a RX-1 is slightly narrower (aprox. 8-10 mm or 7/16 inch) than on a SRX so it was able to move side by side. I had to make to spacers and add them on each side of the front upper shaft to tighen things up. After riding this seems to have taken care of my problem (alot less darting also) only need to reset my setup to get my skis more on the ground. Thanks again for your inputs was appreciated. Hope this also helps somebody who might try these part swaps.
