Replaced the rear shocks and Hyfax on a 1986 Excel III, I can't get the skid back on.

Tele Man

New member
Oct 23, 2013
North Chicago
For some reason I am having a very difficult time trying to get the skid back on this excel, I can get the rear bolts to line up and fasten however, the front bold is way off...I thought I was doing a great job, I cleaned and greased all the shaft/axles, now I am struggling to bolt this skid back on the sled, I get the rear bolts on, but the front bolt/axle is way off.

Is there a trick to getting these mid 1980's Yam rear suspensions back on?

Help :(
yup, front in 1st. then put the back in without the torsion springs in the run position. after the back is bolted in, then you take a prybar of some type and put the springs on the slider blocks. 2-3' prybar works best.
yup, front in 1st. then put the back in without the torsion springs in the run position. after the back is bolted in, then you take a prybar of some type and put the springs on the slider blocks. 2-3' prybar works best.

Thank you

Will do.

