SRX is finished and running great but I'd like a better backshift


Active member
Dec 26, 2011
Central Wisconsin
I've got my SRX finished and running great now after months of messing around with it, but I'd still like a better backshift. My secondary has a 51/45 helix with the green spring set at 80, any suggestions on how I could get it to backshift better? I don't have any other helixes to try besides the stock one but I do have 2 other springs, I have a silver and a pink. I'd also like to thank everyone on TY for all of the great info and good deals on parts!
srx 007.jpg
I run the 54/46 with a green spring set at 70 and works great for me on and off the throttle
What is the difference between a 54/46 and a 51/45?

there wont be much differance there what so ever.

put the stock yell/white/yellow primary spring back in and try it, that will make it more revy feeling.
your other cheap fix is to run that silver sec spring at 60-70 and see if thats what you like, it will slow down the top speed but improve the backshift, you cant have both!
I'm not too concerned about top speed I guess since I only trail ride the sled. It moves really good out on the straight trails but shes kinda sluggish on the twisty trails. My friend on his old 94 vmax 600 2-up was actually pulling away from me in the woods last night. lol
I'm not too concerned about top speed I guess since I only trail ride the sled. It moves really good out on the straight trails but shes kinda sluggish on the twisty trails. My friend on his old 94 vmax 600 2-up was actually pulling away from me in the woods last night. lol

what brand is the helix ??? he should not pull at your side at all should backshift pretty good that's a little weird
I'm really not sure what brand the helix is. It will backshift but I really have have to hammer on the throttle to get it to shift.Here is a pic of the helix.

helix 031.jpg
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I'm really not sure what brand the helix is. It will backshift but I really have have to hammer on the throttle to get it to
strange .......are u sure to be at 80 ........the y-w-y will give u more snappy feeling but upshift slower
It is at 80. I'll just have to try my other springs and see what happens. This thing was terrible before I leaned it out. It had 151.3, 151.3 & 152.5 mains, 47.5 pilots needles set at 3.5. I got it set at the 2001 jetting now, runs better, has alot more power and the pistons are starting to get some color to them now, way too much wash before.
is it ported or gutted air box ??why someone play in the jetting

Air box is stock, and it doesn't look like there was ever any porting done to it. I didn't have the engine apart but I took out the reed cages, and looked down the plug holes with a flex light and it still looks stock. I did notice burn marks on the belly pan, and there was a hole melted through just above the shock, almost thinking it had aftermarket pipes on it at one time and they never rejetted when they put the stock pipes back on.
sounds nice then put everything at stock setting.....ok to run the 2001 jetting
Seems to run good with the 01 jetting. By looking at the pistons and plugs it's still slightly on the rich side but I'll leave it at that just to be safe.
Well, I messed around with this thing some more this weekend and I think I got where I want it. I started out by changing the green spring to silver, that seemed to take away some of the top speed. Put the green spring back in along with the stock primary spring, that brought the R's up a little but still didn't have much of a backshift. Today I left the stock primary spring and the green secondary spring, set at 80 with the stock 47 helix and I'm really liking it now. Decent backshift, stop speed seems good, had it up to 95 and was climbing but I ran out of room. My shift rpm was at 8400 so I might try and add a shim to the primary to bring it up just a little more.
Well, I messed around with this thing some more this weekend and I think I got where I want it. I started out by changing the green spring to silver, that seemed to take away some of the top speed. Put the green spring back in along with the stock primary spring, that brought the R's up a little but still didn't have much of a backshift. Today I left the stock primary spring and the green secondary spring, set at 80 with the stock 47 helix and I'm really liking it now. Decent backshift, stop speed seems good, had it up to 95 and was climbing but I ran out of room. My shift rpm was at 8400 so I might try and add a shim to the primary to bring it up just a little more.

then your helix isnt really a 51/45, as the 45 degree finish backshifts better then a 47 does, its shallower.
Why do they have 51/45 stamped on it if it really isn't 51/45? I took it out for another ride today and it is getting up to 8500, I'll just leave it the way it is. That thing sure is fun to ride now, I didn't wanna stop riding!
There are a couple of threads on the site on how to measure the helix. It seems that many are off a couple of degrees from what they are advertised as and each manufactuer seems to cut the aggressiveness of the angles differently
